Sino Commo control in Darwin

Tell me it can not be half true. China’s Big Brother Social Control Goes to AustraliaIn reality, people above forty years of age should get an annual checkup done from expert urologists so order viagra usa that problems can be cured in the early stage. What are the possible situations that lead to an unhappy relationship? Some way or discount pharmacy viagra the other- male sexuality. This is the main reason why the medication has browse around content order cheap levitra been advised to most victims to be cured and only has to be treated with proper care and should start treating it with Generic Protonix from very beginning. It is this anxiety that contributes to erection problem and help to gain harder and generico levitra on line fuller erection for pleasurable lovemaking. We know the Labor Govt in the NT is broke. But how is this monstrous privacy abuse going under the radar.

9 thoughts on “Sino Commo control in Darwin”

  1. This will be enlghtening when the paper trail un-ravels.

    I will bet there some political donations getting a “Make-over”.

  2. Seems to me there are two angles to this that need investigating.
    1 – To what extent are Chinese firms providing hardware or software for “Switching on Darwin”?
    2 – To what extent can the Chinese controlled port offices receive passive or other signals/intel from “Switching on Darwin” electronic emissions.

  3. Good questions Wazz.

    Don’t notice any acknowledgement of Chinese involvement by the council in Beachgirl’s link, but that is mainly a propaganda statement about how wonderful the Council’s ideas are, so even if there is involvement of Chinese firms, they may not be owning up to it.

    On your second question, I don’t know about you but I have a funny feeling that the Chicoms would be able to hack the whole system in minutes and may well decide to do so for “security” reasons.

    Following your link I find lots of other good articles on China’s creeping tentacles here:

  4. Dangerous neuro technology is being used to hack, control, and torture innocent people around the world. This is a factual statement. You probably, or may not believe this right now, but my hope is by the conclusion of this lecture this evening you might be more convinced.

    I want you to imagine a world where people sit behind computers with security clearances and listen to your most personal thoughts, spy on your most private moments, and actually control your mind and body.

    This is not science fiction.

    This is reality.

  5. We could baffle them by developing false information.

    For example: We could state that Bill Shorten is a really nice man.

  6. Latest from Darwin on the system, took a month at least for Mayor to get his story right.
    Darwin’s Lord Mayor dismisses privacy fears of ‘smart city conspiracy theorists’ 13Jun19
    Quotes: Members of the council have travelled to China on multiple occasions in recent years, including a trip in May, where the Lord Mayor and council staff attended a Smart Cities forum organised by controversial Chinese technology company Huawei and the city of Shenzen.
    Smart Cities Council Australia chief executive Adam Beck said the reporting around issues of privacy and data security in smart cities needed to be balanced.
    He said comparisons between Darwin and Shenzen’s social credit system were totally overblown.
    “I think the work that Darwin is doing is very comprehensive, there’s a data governance layer being weaved into the ‘Switching on Darwin’ project,” he said.
    “There’s no reason we can’t have technology and data deployment that’s best in class, but also respects and ensures that privacy, transparency and security are at the heart of what we do.”

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