OpenNem charts shows clearly how after the coal strike from Tuesday 5Jun18 to Saturday 9Jun18 when coal fired generation was restricted to below ~5,500MW and imports & prices were up – coal is now generating up to ~7,500MW as required and imports & prices are down. Large Also ignoring them could lead to deterioration of tooth enamel very quickly as well as gum enlargement. Inappropriate application of renal toxic drugs will aggravate the congested blood inner the pelvis, as a result, recurrent inflammation may occur then the disease will get worse. order generic levitra In addition, radiotherapy technology advances mean that far higher doses can be targeted more precisely on the prostate, killing more cancer cells with fewer treatments. They have been sparing no effort to find a cure for every possible infertility disorder.Sperm Banking and Sperm donation is the treatment option available to men, in the list of erectile dysfunction remedies, is injection of drugs. href=”” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>Chart
Did somebody kick some butt? NemWatch has an article on the “outages” NSW coal chaos. IMHO the cluster of outages in cool weather looked deliberate, just part of testing and gaming the market. In order to get at the truth behind rocketing mad electricity prices we need a Royal Commission run by engineers.
I know this is curmudgeonly, but I have reached the point where on occasion I even hope that coal-fired dispatchable power may have been knowingly restricted during a lengthy period forecast for heavy cloud cover and little wind.
The RET, requiring as it does that wind and solar be *privileged* (heh, heh) in the market, ensures that coal-fired power is economically destroyed and so rendered unreliable.
Grid collapse, several times, is the only outcome I can see to trigger sufficient outrage to pull back from the cliff edge suddenly exposed to public gaze last week. It is close so when it happens the MSM may concoct sufficient hullabaloo to cause some parameters to change. Else we accept that continual loss of heavy industry is the price exacted for virtue signalling by the protected – plenty of people wish that to happen.
Not holding my breath … a Royal Commission without the MSM first stirring the pot is a fantasy.
In a situation where we are now with short cycle gas turbines filling the troughs in the supply where renewables repeatedly fail; we are considering selling the reticulation system to the Chinese!
What could possibly go wrong?!!!!!!!!!
Quite possibly these turbines are the only thing which has to date saved us from a complete grid collapse.
What would happen to the balance of payments, the GDP & the $A if our lords & masters allow this scenario to unfold?
I guess Eddie’s* Smart Poles could prove to REALLY be multi-function.
*Eddie Obeid
Ah yes just google – eddie obeid multifunction street poles – for some informative reading.
Amazing too how Eddie and mates have not yet been convicted for their coal EL scams of ten years ago.
It is true I think that as coal fired units are decommissioned or run down extra load must be thrown onto gas fired generation. Using google you can see that over a decade US Henry Hub gas prices have been slashed but over that time in SE Australia the gas wholesale price has ~doubled. I can put up some Oz charts later.
Some of the details of the Waffle-proposed NEG are surfacing.
As treacherous as one might have imagined. Heavy-use industry is to be offered three choices: 1) provide your own power, subject to CO2 limits on pain of $1m fines; 2) reduce energy consumption by reducing production and so increasing production costs; 3) p… off
NEG by destroying demand.
ICE motor vehicles to be banned if fuel consumption is less than 22 km/litre and in any case forced tax subsidies slated for EV’s (useless outside the inner city).
Power/heating costs forced by the RET beyond most people’s budget capability.
Traitorous, vain-glorious, despicable.
22km/litre would be over 60 MPG if I have not stuffed the maths.
They must be using a Retro/ Green slide rule made from crystallized Unicorn Farts.
Is there any passenger vehicle in Australia [ even if you convert the battery charging > coal> liquid fuel equivalent] that even comes close?
There has been a lot written on the madness of crowds.
I hope Tony has a calculator.
Here is a chart of Adelaide wholesale gas price since 2010 – larger version

other States would show similar trends – recent AEMO data for Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney and Victoria.
My chart shows our prices have ~doubled since 2014 while this chart shows US Henry Hub prices have been decreasing since 2010.
@ Tom Dundas
> “22km/litre would be over 60 MPG”
I did not make that figure up It is concealed in the xxx g CO2/km released about 2 weeks ago by Waffle (Dept of the Prime Minister) as the standard to be legislated for ICE vehicles. The commonly understood metrics of km/litre or litres/100km are deliberately avoided.
Deliberate because most people do not have even the simple chemistry to do the conversion.
The released figure of g CO2/km converts to 22km/litre or 4.5 litres/100km. The MSM refuses point blank to publish these numbers because they will light a fuse in the public.
And no, I did not just make this up. The numbers are real and Waffle really is this malicious.