Yesterday Minister Frydenberg was on ABC news24 TV and 2GB radio spruiking minor power bill reductions but he seems to be unaware that AEMO wholesale prices have been booming for a few weeks – and in the big coal burning States.
These were the wholesale prices over the week around the 5th when he was talking twaddle to media.
The Fed Govt does not have a clue. Need Royal Commission run by electrical engineers.
For my large 5 States AEMO daily price chart from Sep 2016 to 8Jun18.
AEMO — NemWatch — OpenNem — NemLog
> ” Need Royal Commission run by electrical engineers”
Never going to happen.
The MSM have not run *one* interview with a hard-trained engineer on this issue – not one, ever.
I questioned a journo from the Aus on this exact point only 6 months ago. His answer, such as it was: “No one wants to know that stuff”. Gatekeeper with terminal noble cause corruption.
It’s also noticed that the metric being pushed about ICE motor vehicles is that those vehicles with more than xxxgm of carbon/km will be banned. Apart from the arbitrary silliness of this, the public has absolutely no clue how that metric relates to any current market vehicles, nor do they know anywhere sufficient simple chemistry to find out. The activists, including moron lawyer Frydenberg, will *not* say: “All vehicles with fuel consumption over 4.5litres/100km, or under 22 km/litre, will be banned”.
If that was said outright in the MSM, a fuse would be lit in the public. So it won’t be said. Absolutely disgusting, despicable, deceitful. These people are truly loathsome, unclean.
Do not agree with your comment “run by Electrical Engineers”
It needs much more qualification. For a start the incompetent Chief Scientist is supposed to be an Electrical Engineer.
The person needed to head the a Royal Commission has to be someone with a legal qualifications and who has the legal authority to jail persons who commit perjury. There were persons who were found to have lied to the Trade Union Royal Commission (eg Julia Gillard) and nothing has been done. The Royal Commission Tribunal needs to have a majority of Engineers who are a) Professional Engineers and registered under the Professional Engineers Act Qld. (It is the only one in Aust. at present)
b) comply with a code of conduct/ethics (eg only provide a service/opinions/decisions in their area of competence -with regard to climate issues that would need to be a Chemical Engineer, be apolitical etc- see codes under PE Act and the Pulblic Sector Ethics Act Qld)
c) have qualifications and experience in economics eg have a MBA and have managed a private company
d) Allow only expert witnesses that will not breach the PE Act Qld. ie So-called Climate Scientists can not be witnesses (Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics, Combustion, Evaporation etc are all engineering subjects not understood by scientists or in fact most engineers including Civil and Electrical)
I only studied a couple of law subjects so could not head the Royal commission or Tribunal but would be happy to offer myself as a member as I meet the above criteria.
The detail you comment on is exactly what the Aus journo was talking about when he said: “No one wants to know that stuff”.
It’s over. Waffle and his finger-wagging Lucy have done us in with lies, deceit and the corruption of “noble” cause. A majority of the populace now agree with them, and in any case elections never offer real choice. Brexit and Trump scared the bejesus out of them, so actual choice for the electorate is completely off the agenda.
Merely evidence that Frydenberg cannot do simple arithmetic and resorts to wishful thinking.
According to their man Finkel ALL methods of renewables are more costly than HELE coal now, and will be in 2030**. So adding more expensive types to the system will result in cheaper electricity?????
** Solar PV + storage is shown as cheaper than HELE coal in 2030, but with the benefit of storage also coming down in price below what Snowy 2 will be charging.
Have you seen the average daily price for New South Wales and Queensland for yesterday are higher than for the 5th? Puzzling when they have an excess of coal capacity.
A bit O/T have not seen this elsewhere -In Ontaro Canada big Conservative win and liberals almost wiped out down from 55 seats out of 101 to seven and losing party status. Power prices were a big factor.
It could happen here if Abbot took over the Liberals removed some of the wets and went to the election on electricity, immigration, free speech, discrimination act, union power and influence of elites particularly at Universities.
Thanks cement – agree amazing the ABC not showing this to us serfs yet. If it was the other way around twood be ABC headlines. BTW – this Open Nem chart for NSW generation shows that for the last week while demand has been pedestrian, coal has failed to perform and has actually declined as imports have increased, and prices have gone ballistic, note the ridiculous +$2,400 per MWhr reached often.

Large version chart. Why is coal not generating more when NSW has installed coal capacity of +10,000MW ?