The ABC and GreenLeft media ignoring this huge news – The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) says concentrated solar thermal (CST) technology could be a commercially viable form of dispatchable renewable energy within a decade. English translation – not viable now.
Which raises the question how do you generate renewable 24/7 dispatchable electricity? I thought there were already CS projects building near Port Augusta. I see that ARENA requested information from existing worldwide players – I bet they keep those responses secret.
I am reminded what Terry McCrann said –
“THE first and most important thing to understand about global warming true believers and the pushers of so-called “renewable energy” is that they lie. They lie effortlessly, seamlessly, continuously and without the slightest sense of shame. They lie deliberately and carelessly and casually, and even when they don’t realise they are lying. They lie without the slightest sense of self-awareness and with all the pomposity of stupidity aforethought.”
I have not got the slightest objection to CS Projects as long as zero taxpayer funds are risked. NSW is littered with small-scale failed CS projects. Cooma, Lake Cargelligo, Jemalong near Forbes. Here are pics and links re all three.
Oh no. Am so glad I rely on firewood for heat. Have gas BBQ equipment and a generator for the days the grid is down, have dried food and tank water. This could get very rough for people who don’t understand how the lack of electricity quickly converts a home to a dis-functional campsite, many work places into no go areas and everything goes down hill from there as whole cities fail to function.
The pushers of “renewable” energy not only lie, they ignore the environmental implications of their pet projects.
Solar thermal is probably the most deadly form of electricity generation on the planet. It generates temperatures in the open air of up to 900 degrees C, killing birds on a huge scale. At the Ivanpah solar plant in the Mojave desert, they have tried everything to discourage the birds and reduce their exposure, but are still killing 6,000 a day. See LA Times story with video here:
Even RenewEconomy has this article critical of Crescent Dunes in Nevada. Run by Solar Reserve who have the high hopes of getting Govt money for Port Augusta. Well worth a read. Looks like CST is doomed for now.
SolarReserve still falling short at flagship solar tower project 8Feb18
If anybody finds updated production for either Crescent Dunes or Ivanpah – please post.

Unlikely to be much if any generation during their winter. Most of the tiny Spanish units burned gas to keep operating or shut down for the 3 months of winter.