A decade ago I wrote my “USSR High Magnitude Climate Warming Anomalies 1901-1996”. In January I posted “Surface minus satellites – some differences look political” finding that for the huge Asian gridbox 40 to 70 North – 60 to 130 East; HadCRUT3 warmed over UAH MSU lower troposphere 1979-2008 giving a possible surface error of 0.13 deg C per decade – an error in excess of the rate of IPCC GW.
Out of curiosity I looked at what the UKMO/Jones et al are using for Irkutsk now and compared to gridbox data. Because Irkutsk is at 104.3 East I took the two 5 deg gridboxes 50 to 55 North – 100 to 110 East , puts Irkutsk fairly central.
The difference between CRUT3 and UAH MSU 1979-2009 for the gridbox 50 to 55 North – 100 to 110 East is now 0.137 deg decade and for Irkutsk station minus UAH MSU 0.159 deg decade.
To wrap up for now, a graphic of Irkutsk and smaller regionals UKMO station data compared to satellite lower troposphere and a graphic of Irkutsk UKMO minus Barguzin. Note both Barguzin and Zigalovo have identical huge gaps from 1990-2008 so we have just 2009 building the time series again. Maybe some Russian readers might know where the missing data may be.
OT _ Sydney – Observatory Hill fiddled, and how it was done.
Never OT janama
love your work warwick would like to send a photo of millicent my girl who will be six years old in august she is a leo also intelligent stubborn you know the rest. training to be a scientist because they are instrumental in real change . ups Amazing Deb – I am counting the years.