
A byelection for the ages. How an old seat-warming guy from a Govt on the nose beat the “way too slick for its own good” Labor machine and their bright young ex NSW Premier candidate Kristina Keneally who ticked almost every box and many saw as a future PM. Cast of thousands including Eddie Obeid and Ian MacDonald from their respective jail cells and I definitely saw the Ghost of Chairman Mao. Our PM got so muddled that he went on the record confusing NSW Labor Govt criminals – no worries Mal we know who you meant. Quislings everywhere are reminded that a figurative axe may descend on their neck even in 2017. Bennelong will for sure be discussed in some Beijing circles no worries. Our media so often a GreenLeft sheltered workshop actually stood up at times and asked questions!! We now know that nine years is too short a time for the stench from walking around criminality to be wiped off your Parliamentary footware. I will risk a prediction here – no use Labor sending KK to Canberra via the Senate unless they want a lightning rod facilitating the exploits of Eddie Obeid, Ian MacDonald and numerous other as yet not convicted criminals read into the Senate Hansard whenever the Govt chooses to make time.

One thought on “Bennelong”

  1. Has everything, failure and success for various participants as seen through different parts of the prism. Something for everybody.

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