The ABC reports – Perth’s Kwinana Freeway will be permanently flooded by 2100, oceanographer warns – In 2012 I blogged To understand Perth sea-levels is a complex issue – much of the Perth plain has subsided in recent decades
The ABC reports – Perth’s Kwinana Freeway will be permanently flooded by 2100, oceanographer warns – In 2012 I blogged To understand Perth sea-levels is a complex issue – much of the Perth plain has subsided in recent decades
I just checked out the latest sea level charts, both Fremantle and Hillary’s show marked falling over the last few years, despite a sinking coastal plain, as do all other West Australian measured sites.
I did add these charts to the ABC facebook page asking why they continue to fail fact checking.
Thanks Warwick and Tom.
The ABC fail fact checking? Never! Have to get Paul Barry’s well financed fact checking team onto this. Pigs may fly, too!
Tidal ranges at Perth/Freemantle are very small, usually well below half a meter, and well below the level the Perth foreshore is above MSL.
The dramatic pictures of waves over the Kiwana Freeway are due to strong westerly winds piling water up against the eastern shore of the Perth basin.
In addition, the area is at least 15km via the river from the ocean and tidal effects will be minimal. Severe flooding along the Swan river catchment would be a bigger risk.
“By 2100, the Freeway will be underwater all the time,” Prof Pattiaratchi said.
Not might be, not if models are correct, just it will be. Just how scientific is that.
OT, but is this right, Waz?
It was a pussy of a month heat-wise Anto – Canberra (and many other places) only had the one really hot day. Many other Septembers have been hotter. Plan to post later today.