Stunning Donald Trump snub to Australian Prime Minister

So PM Turnbull does not get an invite to the Inauguration but Pauline Hanson and her Senators do. Can anybody remember such a magnificent full on diplomatic snub as this?
Remember how Turnbull snubbed Trump by announcing Australia would ratify the “Paris Climate Accord whatever it is dead thing” on exactly the day Donald Trump was elected. Just so telling. But what are the implications for US – Australian relations and policy? Search my blog Trump – Search my blog Darwin

7 thoughts on “Stunning Donald Trump snub to Australian Prime Minister”

  1. James, its not climate although that is probably a factor.

    Donald Trump recognises the only truely conservative and non socialist party in Australia!

    Go Pauline and Malcolm, I’ve read your manifest.

    I can tell you that if I was an Australian I would vote for you too!



  2. For years our politicians have treated the voters like scum – it’s nice to see them get some of their own medicine.

  3. Trump can easily tell the difference between a real conservative, dedicated thinker and realist like Hanson, and a fake elitist self-interested, crypto-socialist pretender like Turnbull. It is a wonderful and genuine diplomatic snub.

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