Australian wind drought again – SA electricity prices spike as usual

Electricity in South Australia $265 per MWhr as they fire up the diesel gensets. NemWatch for real-time generation in the states – AEMO for price & demand within the states – the differences shows SA must be importing over 500MW from Victorian brown coal generation. To see progress of the wind drought open the 3hr graph for August & check MW . Age related erectile dysfunction may require medication. canadian viagra professional It works by enabling the sexually stimulated esquire buy pfizer viagra to reach maximum satisfaction. Today experts and druggists have been forced to find out effective remedies to treat this problem. cheap levitra 20mg Surgical complications are rare, but sometimes one of the blood vessels from the female viagra canada donor to the patient isn’t connected the way it should be. Write your MP’s tell them of this and say you will be voting for a sensible power grid and moderate power bills. Drive home that these price spikes will keep recurring whenever the wind fades.

4 thoughts on “Australian wind drought again – SA electricity prices spike as usual”

  1. I’ve got a NemWatch screen shot, July 20, 12:50PM showing no wind in SA and Vic, 4MW in Tasmania and 58MW in NSW. That’s 1.5% of wind’s capacity in the NEM.

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