Time we are reminded about the very good Agritech Salinity Crisis Action Plan so highly ignored by WA Govts. The WayBack Machine still has the Agritech site from several years ago. Contact details are obsolete.
I also had a page up.
Agritech also had their Wellington Dam Water Recovery Project – also on the WayBack Machine. Too good a project for the WA Govt.
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Click for synoptic map – block diagram of both Agritech projects.
It appears the world needs common salt – NaCl – for various uses in industry.
Salt giant plans $350m Onslow splash 25 May 16
I wonder if the saline soils of the WA wheatbelt would be an economic source in time?
I have often said and following your WA Govt proudly wastes more money on water story, would add that if the Government and Water Corporation were manufacturing piddle pots, they would put the handles on the inside for easier packaging and handling.
The measly $25.2 million pa for increased costs incurred in producing more water from the Binningup seawater desal plant, is a mere flea bite when compared to the near $2 billion on wasting that money on the plant in the first place when there were far better and cheaper alternatives, particularly
recyling the 45 billion litres, at less than 3000 ppm they are and continue to waste each year or a staggering 600 billion litres since it was built.
Their claim for our continuing “water shortage” is once again Perth’s “Drying Climate” and the inability of our dams to trap and store water.
Last February there was a major flood event in WA, when heavy rains sent thousands of gigalitres of water through the wheatbelt and towns and the SW rivers and streams, before discharging to the ocean.
Most of these rivers and streams were supposed to feed dams along the Darling Escarpment for the people and industry along the SW coastal plain.
BOM and Water Corporation figures for rainfall or dam inflow, are either not recorded because of poor record keeping or seemingly missing or faulty gauges.
The one standout we can advise is the fact that Wellington Dam is usually holding 80% of the combined water in storeage of the 14 Perth Metro Dams and because of above average winter rains this year, the Collie river has broken it’s banks.
The Water Corporation has an “unshakeable” belief that lack of rainfall is caused by Climate Change/Global Warming, caused by high CO2 emmissions and is not a product of their inefficiencies.
That being the case why are they planning to increase the output of Binningup desal, plus building another 3 seawater desal plants north of Perth and to further aggravate global warming they plan more sewerage treatment plants where the treated water will be stored in deep aquifers, then 20 years later, bring that water to the surface (approx 800 metres) for domestic use.
The Agritech wheatbelt salinity recovery and hydro-electric project can supply 250 GL pa of high quality potable and process water and when combined with our Wellington Dam project this increases to 300 GL pa and without using fossil fuel power and at a significantly reduced cost reduction to
taxpayers and industry.
See PDF “Lies more lies and Government Water Spin” to see how they “gild the lilly.” – pdf about 2Mb