Queenslanders in for heatwave, severe storms, strong surf swells in lead up to Australia Day: BOM 22 Jan 2016
The BoM say For instance take ronaldgreenwaldmd.com get free levitra that is an expensive procedure. Safed Musli is responsible for improving strength and energy levels. ronaldgreenwaldmd.com/pdfs/colleen-gallagher-i-am-back.pdf women viagra australia The male reproductive organs are energized slowly with the passage of time and with the prolonged intake of these capsules. 100% natural ingredients are being used in Mast Mood capsules? buying tadalafil online Key ingredients in Mast Mood capsule, you can improve stamina, strength and libido. The buying tadalafil tablets medicinal properties of Moringa Oleifera or drumsticks are very well explained in texts of ayurveda. – “…by Wednesday, it is forecast to exceed 45C in places such as Urandangi, Boulia, Bedourie and Birdsville.”
Yes, they got the heat, wrong and the rain wrong.
The trouble is they do not look out of the window. Probably, drinking nescafe lattes and talking about gender equality and gay marriage. That is about as far as their skills go these days.
Just saw ABC 7:00pm news (29 Jan) and it had NSW’s lowest temp for the day at -47C at Trangie. Doesn’t anyone twig to something so stupid and correct it before it goes to air?
I’m sure someone will before too long.
ABC – Anything But Correct.
Trangie recorded a couple of negative readings just after mid-day on 28 Jan 16

No idea if that relates to what you saw – You would think even the most lowly homo sapiens in a TV newsroom could point out that glitch.
Somehow snuck on to the ABC – apologies for OT
Obviously an AWS glitch, Warwick, which happens every now and again. But -47C?? Maybe they meant -4.7C? It’s obvious they don’t check any climate facts they let loose on an unsuspecting public – as you have commented on for years.
Where does BoM say it is forecast to exceed 45 degrees?
Good to see you again George,

The 45° ref is in the last section of the ABC article linked above –
here –
Now Shay Gap (WA) has a minimum of -48.2 (11:36pm) according to the BoM (WA Observations page). Wow, does this bring into question AWS data?
Will be interesting to see the wind readings for TC Stan. At the moment it is being called a Cat 2 with 155km winds as it makes landfall this morning. Can’t see any wind speeds higher than 90km that high at the moment but will wait until Pardoo posts later today.
Rowley Shoals did have gusts to 133km yesterday morning but it is well offshore.
Where does the article quote BoM saying 45 degrees?
The probability of the RMW of Stan intersecting an AWS are relatively small in that neck of the woods. ADT went to 4.3, giving 72 knots one minute mean (which is 135 km/hr). Choose your favourite multiplier to get to a 3 second gust.
The ABC headline says BOM – abbrev for Bureau of Meteorology in Australia.
Of course maybe the ABC were actually quoting the Urandangi CWA crochet club and just failed to say so.
I do not run the blog to answer silly questions George.
Latest from the BoM.
at: 0114 UTC 31/01/2016
Name: Tropical Cyclone Stan
Identifier: 08U
Data At: 0000 UTC
Latitude: 20.9S
Longitude: 120.2E
Location Accuracy: within 20 nm [35 km]
Movement Towards: south southeast [156 deg]
Speed of Movement: 10 knots [19 km/h]
*****Maximum 10-Minute Wind: 45 knots [85 km/h]
*****Maximum 3-Second Wind Gust: 65 knots [120 km/h]
The use of satellite technology is fair enough but many cyclones in the past would not have been measured as such. So technically this appears to be a TC 1 based on ground measurements. However, need to wait for Pardoo to post – looks as if it is a PO. Shay Gap and Bedout Is, which are nearby, show Cat 1 winds only at present.
Further to the above – latest BoM re TC Stan.
Ex-Tropical Cyclone Stan has weakened over land in the eastern Pilbara after making landfall near Pardoo on the east Pilbara coast at 2am [1800UTC] as a category 2 cyclone [55 knots].
55 knots = 102kmph
Cat 1 TC has winds from 90-125Kmph. So really it was a Cat 1.
Sorry – reference