Andrew Bolt was too critical of President Obama on his “The Bolt Report” TV show this morning

The exact point I want to make is that Andrew in his “The Panel” segment, was critical of the President for stating just before the Paris attacks that ISIL was being “contained”. I think that notwithstanding the bloody Paris attacks by a handfull of dedicated zealots, the downing of the Russian airliner and suicide bombings in Lebanon – ISIL in their Raqqa base is still hurting from the ever present threat of air strikes, their momentum in Iraq has been blunted, the Kurds have made progress at Kobane and now Sinjar. Security around Mosul must be a worry to ISIL and in a nutshell I think that President Obama opining that they were contained was not unreasonable. But study has not successfully established that this drug is solely responsible for all the side-effects that someone may suffer from. mastercard tadalafil If you return the order and have paid for shipping costs, we will reimburse you the same amount of time in the gym, and other variables of importance, and have their T levels tested before, during levitra purchase canada (mid way) and after using the medicine, that they felt more troubled after drinking, and that they retrieved less rapidly from the consequences of alcohol. It is not an enchantment wand that will provide for you an erection. buy cipla viagra Gullible customers spend thousands of dollars on products whose efficacy has not been validated, unlike Life enhancement products whose efficacy has not been validated, unlike Life enhancement products that are made under the most stringent and rigorous production conditions, using the best possible materials and passing the most rigid tests, which ensure that there is no compromise on excellence and quality. I fully realize how “the West” has been gazzumped by Russia in Syria but despite all that – President Obama is the leader of “the West” – he commands very powerful armed forces and will do so for over another year yet.
The Bolt Report is a weekly hour of rational political debate in the dominant GreenLeft ocean that is mostly the Australian media.

5 thoughts on “Andrew Bolt was too critical of President Obama on his “The Bolt Report” TV show this morning”

  1. If the coal endowed countries of the world ramped up GTL, a big chunk of their finance & support would dissapear.

  2. Containing a threat has always been rather dangerous. When you think they are contained you tend to relax a little. This relaxation will be while the threat generally is working to become uncontained or going in a different direction, like the terrorist attacks.

    Read this morning that we (US aircraft) destroyed an ISIL convoy of oil being delivered. Over 100 tankers destroyed carrying oil. As Trump called for, destroy their access to funding.

  3. I think you are on to something Warwick.

    Obviously ISIL is not “contained” in the sense that they are still able to launch atrocities. But that is different from winning a war.

    For a roundup of the situation on the ground in Syria, with emphasis on brutal but effective Russian intervention see:

    Mind you, the journos are now focused entirely on the terror, and are giving Obama a hard time about it, see Bolt again this morning:

  4. A grave mistake being made in the Middle East is to think that what is on Facebook and Twitter is the whole story. I doubt the ISIL body count is anywhere close to that of Assad and the Allawites. Yemen is as bad but we hear hardly anything about what is going on there.

    Taking sides in an ethno-religious conflict is a very bad idea. If you bomb Sunnis in the ME, you shouldn’t be surprised if they attack you in retaliation.

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