Rare sight on USGS web page as Australia stars in global earthquake stakes

This is the rare sight preserved. USGS map below has seafloor details with no shortage of large scale structures and volcanic seamounts out there off Fraser Island – any of which could be locii for earthquakes.

USGS www page global map – zoom in to SE Qld.
ABC News – Queensland earthquakes: Two quakes hit state on same day, days after a third strikes region; seismologists warn more may follow

4 thoughts on “Rare sight on USGS web page as Australia stars in global earthquake stakes”

  1. Yep
    I had to take a couple of breaks reading the gravity meter yesterday afternoon in the Central West NSW.

    How long before the clowns who said the rain was over will recant & warn:- ” excessive monsoons will destabilize continental shelf margins , particularly at the full moon!”/sarc.

  2. I was told, with great and certain panache, that excessive melting of the Arctic sea ice from global warming had spread enormous amounts of water by centrifugal force into the tropical regions and the increase in weight had disrupted the earth’s crust, with resultant tsunamis, tremors and general geological mayhem

    When faced with such nonsense, spouted with such certainty, one realises that rationality has long had its’ day

    Apart from that, the USG map is fun to explore and I recommend it

  3. Away till Friday – impressed with the rich looking soils in the northern riverina – what would they grow if irrigation could be extended? Amazing what areas of potential national progress we allow Green dogmas to block.

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