A bone chilling 4.1C in Tuggers – data started 1996 so a 20 year record.
The AWN page and the statistics for TUGGERANONG (ISABELLA PLAINS) AWS 70339
How can this happen when we are all suffering from global warming ?
A bone chilling 4.1C in Tuggers – data started 1996 so a 20 year record.
The AWN page and the statistics for TUGGERANONG (ISABELLA PLAINS) AWS 70339
How can this happen when we are all suffering from global warming ?
Don’t worry, Warwick, the boys down at ACORN are already working on this and once it comes out of their homogeniser, July 5 2015 will fit right in with the warming fairy-tale…
Still, the actual reading is amazingly cold, especially when it was 12 degrees in both Cooma and Goulburn on the same day.
If I read your link right, there was once a colder day in Tuggeranong in June (2.6), though never in July (previous record 5.4).