Fascinating new convolutions to explain weather – Where’s the summer weather? Running late – Wind and rain set to continue until Christmas as wintry weather hangs on. Those IPCC compliant climate scientists have to be seen to explain everything.
Fascinating new convolutions to explain weather – Where’s the summer weather? Running late – Wind and rain set to continue until Christmas as wintry weather hangs on. Those IPCC compliant climate scientists have to be seen to explain everything.
There is a preoccupation with the media and some met boys and girls to start the seasons on the first of a month. (Perhaps this is related to the racing industry who, I believe, regard all race horses as being born on the first day of Spring that they define as 1 September). Certainly on this side of The Ditch the weather never starts to improve until after the solstice. Even then it is prone to suffer protracted cold rain-filled storms that send New Year campers homebound early. Good mid-summer weather tends to come in mid-Jan and after. So for this family the summer is defined as solstice to equinox with early autumn kicking-in about 22 March – in time for Easter. What we have been experiencing in Kiwiland is typical NZ late Spring weather. We are still having fires and wearing jerseys in the early morn. Therefore is sure ain’t summer. And this is typical for this time of the year. Early summer starts next week on Monday.