The Australian Commonwealth Govt muddles around vainly hoping Labor will assist it to reform the money wasting RET scheme

I have just quickly sketched my opinion of where the Govt of Prime Minister Tony Abbott finds itself now. Last week I emailed ministers connected with trying to reform the Renewable Energy Target which was introduced by the Howard Govt in 2001. I list some selected quotes. All replies confirm the Government’s support for renewable energy is centred on four key elements:
1. The RET should represent a real 20 per cent
2. Support for household solar systems should not be changed
3. Pressure on energy intensive trade exposed sectors should be reduced, which will provide additional support for Australian jobs
4. The renewable sector should have greater clarity by removing the need for a review of the target every two years.

Achievements due to the RET scheme
Almost 2 million households have installed small scale solar systems and the cost of rooftop solar is less than a quarter of the price. in fact, the cost of a 4.5 kilowatt rooftop solar system has fallen from more than $35,000 ten years ago to around $7,000 today and will continue to fall.
More than 5,000 megawatts of large-scale renewables have been built in an electricity market that is currently oversupplied by 9,000 megawatts of electricity. (Ed note – your Govts at work.)

First the problem –
What was intended to be a 20 per cent target is now tracking towards 27 per cent by 2020.
This increasing proportion of renewables comes as Australia’s total demand for electricity is falling. The RET is a relatively high cost form of emissions
abatement at around $32-62 per tonne of CO2 for large scale investments and $95 – 175 per tonne of CO2 for small scale. (Ed note – we see this in our electricity bills.)

Some claimed advantages if the Govt can persuade Labor to help pass their revised RET scheme.
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renewable energy production under the RET scheme between now and 2020. In short,
there will be more new renewable energy installed over the next 6 years of the RET than has been installed in the first 14 years of the scheme.
(Ed note – does not read like a great outcome.)

More great things your Govt is claiming credit for –
We’ve committed $1 billion through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) for the research & development of new renewable energy technology concepts. The Government is keen to see nearly 200 programs across a range of technologies meeting milestones and contributing to the advancement of the renewable energy industry.
Through CSIRO’s Energy Flagship, the Government is supporting a group of around 350 scientists to pursue a dedicated energy research program that will help enable Australia’s energy transition.

Several other ways we’re supporting transition within our energy sector is by
continuing to provide $900 million worth of commitments under the Clean Energy
Finance Corporation to support a range of risky renewable energy projects, $2.25
billion into Industry programmes for innovation across all sectors, $2.1 million
through the Solar Towns Programme to support households who choose solar as a way to reduce their power bills and $2.55 billion through the Emissions Reduction Fund to encourage emissions abatement activities through low cost effective and practical solutions.
(Ed note – just there I add up at least $8.8Billion of mostly worthless waste harming our economy.)
As I said earlier – our Govt has lost the plot – they should put Minister Scott Morrison in charge of reforming the RET and all the other $8.8Bn of Green boondoggles.

3 thoughts on “The Australian Commonwealth Govt muddles around vainly hoping Labor will assist it to reform the money wasting RET scheme”

  1. That is an excellent summary of the current wastage and inappropriate expenditure under the RET. I wonder if they will take the slightest notice of it, as they all know that “the science is settled”?

  2. I think they have decided “the politics are settled”. Many of them know this stuff is sheer waste, but too many doctors’ wives have subsidised rooftop solar and are feeling virtuous about it.

  3. The better off take advantage of solar, and externalize much of the cost to the less well off.

    Solar is economically viable here in the West (ignoring externalities), as peak sunlight hours coincides with peak electricity demand.

    The lunacy is subsidizing solar (and wind) in places they aren’t economically viable.

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