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Jennifer Marohasy is giving an address tomorrow night in Sydney re the BOM and temperature records – details –
”fiddling” with data that was wrong, no big deal
”Climatologist” didn’t start lying in the 80’s – lying has always being their bread and butter
in the 70’s they were promoting: ” GLOBAL cooling by year 2000, because of CO2 dimming effect” – AND were ”massaging” the numbers as if it was getting colder (they were lying then as they are lying now) . That data was crap – Warmist like to play with crap; anybody interested in the truth:
Great that Andrew Bolt questions AGW fiddled data.
You have a comrade in arms there Warwick
It was a refined process called enHansen but since then it has just gone to schmidt.
Speaking of Poms, the UK Telegraph onto it.
Apparently the rapid warming in Central Australia of 2C, and the drying, has had little effect on invertebrates. I guess the fiddled data goes unnoticed by the invertebrates:
Hold on a cotton-pickin’ second.
Hold on another cotton pickin second.
“but this time Steve Goddard was right and my confirmation bias prevented me from seeing that there was in fact a real issue in the data and that NCDC has dead stations that are reporting data that isn’t real: mea culpa.”
Quote from Anthony Watts.
Washington times editorial. “Rigged science”