Canberra all time record two consecutive days of frost in November

On 4th & 5th November 2013 – you read it first here. Previous two consecutive subzero days were in 1939.

I have tried searching this in Google but nothing turns up. So I am wondering if the Bureau of Meteorology has said anything.
Would we have heard if it had been a two consecutive hottest days record ?
I think so.
For my money – crystal clear evidence of bias in the BoM.

3 thoughts on “Canberra all time record two consecutive days of frost in November”

  1. Perhaps Warwick you should write to David Jones & ask his thought on the frosts.

    After all we as taxpayers pay his wages.

    (not the non-flagging/disclosure of something that may appear to be a real inconvenient truth).

  2. Now that November is past, the suspicions regarding the BOM’s method for calculating mean anomalies continues. I’m deeply sceptical about November having been a substantially above average month. This is reinforced by the absolutely ludicrous chart of the ACT vs the rest of NSW. Of course, some may recall that things were a little bit chilly in Canberra at the start of the month. Seems the ACT was in some kind of time warp, when compared with the surrounding countryside. Just for giggles, take a look at this:

  3. The BoM mean T timeseries are generated from their fairly new ACORN-SAT dataset described here – and you can make time series here. IMHO the ACORN data is non-climatic to the extent that much of the older data has been adjusted cooler.
    Reminds me of the old saying re the USSR – “the future is known, it is the past that keeps changing”

    When the BoM quotes daily T records for all Australia – or the various States – I have no idea where they keep those data. A daily all Australian time series has never been published that I know of. They started quoting those all Australian records about a year ago when daily records from I think 1972 were broken.

    The 6th, 7th & 8th of this month saw some nippy nights across much of NSW including a few shorter term records.
    On 6 Dec 2013 Cobar MO (1962-2013) had a record min of 8.1 which was a degree below the previous coldest daily min in 1983. However Cobar Airport read 7.4 on the 6th which did not beat the 7.2 on 7 Dec 2002.
    Cobar Post Office however read 4.4 in 1934.
    Walgett Airport min on the 7 Dec equalled the record of 6.9 on 28 Dec 1993.
    Narrabri Airport read mins of 7.5 and 6.9 on 6th & 7th Dec which broke the previous record of 10.3 deg set 27 Dec 2006.

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