Over at Catallaxy they had the fortitude to read through Julia Gillard’s long article justifying her term in office. – Julia Gillard writes on power, purpose and Labor’s future
[For most Australians the last long drought was perceived to be the result of climate change, and when the drought broke their concerns about climate change receded. The circus in Copenhagen and “climategate” fed scepticism. Then, at the worst time, the structure of the Australian electricity market delivered huge rises to the electricity bills of families. While cost of living pressures were easing in other parts of the family budget, the pain of these big lumpy bills was acute and remembered.]
I think Julia Gillard is wrong when she says “For most Australians the last long drought was perceived to be the result of climate change,…”
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Most Australians were also well aware that Govt funded scientists who should have known better – were linking the drought to “IPCC climate change” – and these views linking the “worst ever drought” to IPCC AGW were given prominence across much of our media.
So when the drought broke in 2010 the “lack of clothing” on these royal scientific opportunists was obvious to many.
“The circus in Copenhagen and “climategate”….” very likely fed into the rise of scepticism in Australia.
I think linking climate change to the drought played some part in the extent and type of augmented water supply infrastructure that was developed. Cities and towns were under considerable water stress and faced the prospect of even harsher restrictions. The idea that dams would never fill was promoted and accepted by many people.
Time will tell if some of this infrastructure has been built a generation too soon, particularly if water use habits and reduced population growth in urban areas make water demand lower than forecasted. Having to pay for this infrastructure for as long as it is unnecessary will continue to be used to raise questions about the credibility of climate change predictions.
Full new dams are easier for politicians to justify than seawater desalination plants and sewerage reclamation schemes that are not operating.
Planners continue to use rainfall and river flow projections based on CSIRO climate modelling that seems to be more uncertain than was claimed.
Scepticism in Europe has been fuelled by a series of cold winters, contrary to many publicised opinions (“projections” not predictions).
Scepticism here has arisen from the predictions of ever-lasting drought which quickly sank in the flood waters.
It little matters what causes doubt to first enter the discussion, for the theory of large scale escalating man made warming (AGW) is riddled with so many errors that it must fail. Before that we will see even more strident predictions, but the scare is dying.