Now that the NASA-UAH satellite temperature data extends over a clear 30 years 1979-2008, this is a timely opportunity to check again the old IPCC canard that the various global temperature datasets are in agreement. In this case I compare the Hadley Centre CRUT3 land only data 1979-2008 with the NASA MSU LT data from University of Alabama at Huntsville, all data downloaded from the KNMI Climate Explorer.
For this grid-box over Eastern China 110 to 120 degrees East and 20 to 40 degrees North, satellites show the lower troposphere warms at 0.20 degrees per decade while the Hadley Centre land data warms at 0.46 degrees per decade. This suggests that there is 0.26 degrees per decade of urban warming in the Hadley Centre-IPCC data. A rate equivalent to 2.6 degrees per century.
This is twenty years after the UHI contamination in these Jones et al datasets was brought to the authors attention by Dr Fred Wood.
Why wouldn’t UHI and land use change affect satellite measurements?
Short answer DG is that of course UHI and land use changes must be reflected in satellite data. The problem is separating out a signal – I can only access the UAH data which is gridded to 2.5 degrees Lat/Long, so it is far too coarse to start differentiating urban areas.
I noticed that if you compare two large adjoining equal grid boxes over China, say;
Sino East 22.5 to 35 North and 112.5 to 120 East,
Sino West 22.5 to 35 North and 105 to 112.5 East
It looks obvious to me from maps that the Sino East area is noticeably more urbanized than Sino West. OK I realize there must be regional trends – gradients at work here too.
In fact Sino East warms more than Sino West from both UAH MSU and CRUT3 over the 30 years 1979-2008.
Sino East – 0.21 — 0.43
Sino West – 0.13 — 0.28
1-Both Hadley & NASA-GISS data sets are flawed due
inadequate & disproportionate sampling of their intended
view-fields! Neither one even approaches satisfaction
of the NYQUIST-SHANNON Sampling Theorem. The satellite
system reasonably satisfies this requirement.
2-If I understand the data summation approach, it too is
flawed. Equal angular sized grids, while convenient,
would give equal weighting to progressively smaller areas
of earth’s surface as summation grids progress north and
south of the equator.
This yields not a true average but an average weighted toward northern and southern
components of the earth’s surface.
of the equator.
Absolutely correct re Nyquist Shannon Sampling Theorem ,which, if satisfied, would enable averaging all data directly, without pre-processing.
Also correct re equal, angular size grid boxes! This erroneous method progressively increases ‘weights’ of temperatures in north/south segments of globe as they move away from equator.
In northern hemisphere, there is some significant AGW due continually increasing agriculture, population, housing, roads, parking lots, automobiles, industrial buildings; all of which decrease prior, local ALBEDO. Also, there is waste heat discharged into the atmosphere at a currently annual (but increasing) rate of about 525 QUADS-BTU’s/year. One QUAD is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000 BTU’s. That produces heating of the atmosphere AND, combined with the significantly decreasing ALBEDO of the area due ever-increasing roads, buildings, etc., etc.; accounts for much/most of the actual AGW as measured by the satellites; of which data I believe.
I also believe that any CO2-driven AGW is negligible.
Satellite data of lower atmosphere totally refute the IPCC Climate Models with their questionable, positive feedback.
I also do not believe the totally inadequate surface based temperature measurement system. That requires conformance to the Nyquist-Shannon Theorem, which is so under-satisfied as to be simply laughable with results being only a biassed WAG! Small wonder THE NASA surface data system processing is hidden from any kind of PEER-REVIEW!
NASA has produced numerous surface, temperature records of world-wide cities via satellite which have adequate resolution which would enable satisfaction of Nyquist-Shannon. This technology is what should be utilized for the surface measurement system! Why is it not?!
The above from an old retired radar and radar signal processing engineer.