It is tough news for the warmers but the 16 month long cooling trend continues.
See here for IPCC supporters vainly trying to sound wise while they explain events.
It is tough news for the warmers but the 16 month long cooling trend continues.
See here for IPCC supporters vainly trying to sound wise while they explain events.
Of interest is the divergence between the NH which is still near record warm temps, and the tropics and SH both of which are rapidly cooling.
Strange that global warming is concentrated on NH land.
NH anomaly for April is less than most of 2007, and significantly lower than the months of the super El Nino in 1998. We’ve got over .5C to go to reach 1998 levels.
BTW, the US had a very cold April.
March gave us false optimism. I now resume my worry.
MattN, in the MSU dataset April 2008 NH ex tropics is warmer than all months in 2007 except January. I think you are referring to NH including tropics.
BTW, I think the data says we are seeing fairly rapid global cooling, obscured by local/regional warming in the NH.
Last time I checked, they are part of the northern hemisphere….