Is there any way out for Labor ? – Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard confirmed

I am curious to see graphics which plot just where we are now as a nation. Let us start with the explosive growth in Govt debt under the Rudd – Swann – Gillard GreenLabor regime.

The figures are at 30 June and I have estimated the percentage for 2012 using the $229Bn debt already – on the Australian Office of Financial Management web page – and for Australian GDP at June 2012 I have used A$1,280Bn after checking various internet sources which are in US$. Note the graphic of GDP growth.

One ongoing issue facing the Govt is the fact that our borders are pretty much open now – a fact that is often ignored now by the MSM. I have not seen a mention on TV news for many weeks. This chart shows annual boat arrivals from 1976 –

– the 2012 number is derived from a statement in Senate Estimates hearings where the Govt said that 7500 arrivals were expected from 1 Jan 2012 to 30 June 2013. I have pro-rated that to 5000 for 2012.
I am working on a chart of monthly boat arrivals.
Do readers have any other charts that document Labor at work ?

7 thoughts on “Is there any way out for Labor ? – Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard confirmed”

  1. Just heard about ex NSW Premier Bob Carr accepting Foreign Affairs after all. This Govt just keeps giving. I like the debt graph and have not seen it before, the horror for the nation is that the vast majority of that was completely unnecessary. At the time Rudd/Swann decided to helicopter the $900 cheques to all CentreLink recipients; I remember no campaign for this from the grass-roots. I clearly remember the period where the RBA was raising rates to cool the economy at the exact same time the Govt was full steam ahead with their idiot “stimulus package.”
    Then the school halls and pink batts fiascos, shoddy work, many school halls were horrendously over priced and were not asked for or were not want the schools wanted. Now we are stuck with this huge new pointless debt at a time of considerable global uncertainty.
    Please do not get me started on the boats but the graph shows how the Howard so called Pacific Solution worked for years. Then destroyed by the GreenLabor do-gooders in 2008; and still unsolved to this day.

  2. Warwick, good charts thank you.

    It would be interesting to see charts of how NSW’s economy performed during the period Bob Carr was Premier. My recollection is that NSW was the best performing state when Bob Carr became premier and finished up as the ‘rust bucket’ state by the end of his term in office. No wonder Labor appointed him to be Gillard’s Mr Fixit.

  3. Sorry to be a bit off topic but it just strikes me as a classic Australian story of Govt non-productivity and waste of our cash.
    This ABC news item “Commandant cleared over ADFA Skype sex scandal”
    Now correct me if I am wrong but when our Oh so wise and all seeing Parliament opened many defence roles to women; did not anybody in authority forsee problems developing if young people of both sexes were sharing facilities in the halls of residence at the ADF Academy. Now we know that young people are capable of hi-jinks and that a few will go too far, big news we always knew that. We now see that a legal firm has compiled a list of 775 plausible cases of abuse; translates as “money might be claimable” … and yet through all this cyclone of wasted taxpayers money, the Academy Commandant apparently sails serenely back into his top job.
    And lawyers come out of it all with fattened wallets for sure.

  4. I enjoyed this parody article from the Fin Review.
    Floods keep the Prime Minister’s agenda afloat
    PUBLISHED: 09 Mar 2012 00:07:49 | UPDATED: 09 Mar 2012 04:03:18
    It will also be entertaining to hear Gillard & Swann sqirm as they try and wriggle out of their long promised budget surplus in 2012-13. No doubt somebody called “tonyyabbit” will be to blame.

  5. This is how the Govt should be admired:

    (a bit of cut and paste)

    Wayne Swan’s attack on the filthy rich has also proved a political masterstroke. Private research shows and Twitter confirms it has rallied Labor’s blue collar base, prompting desertions away from Tony Abbott and back to the government. Workerabbots (like workerbees, get it) have stopped multiplying.

    Sources report that Gina Rinehart, Clive Palmer and Andrew Forrest have privately acknowledged perhaps they were being a tad selfish and have pledged to donate half their annual income to charitable and philanthropic causes. Rinehart is also preparing to sell out of Fairfax, and although some fear it could trigger a collapse in its share price, others reckon that’s OK because no Fairfax is better than a Fairfax with Rinehart on the board.

    Swan’s steerage of the economy has locked in prosperity, led to lower interest rates, lower inflation, solid growth and higher employment. It is indeed a miracle economy and he is hailed universally as its saviour. Grateful Australians, thankful they are not living in London, Detroit, Athens or Damascus, have been seen strewing rose petals before him as he walks factory floors and main streets across the country. Boardrooms unveil plaques in his honour.

    I apologise for calling him the world’s smallest treasurer. He is truly the greatest and works tirelessly for the national interest.

    Fair Work Australia has acted appropriately by not co-operating with police investigating Craig Thomson. Thomson has been vilified by the media, the opposition and the ambitious Kathy Jackson and he needs all the protection he can get.

    Stephen Conroy’s management and rollout of the NBN has been judged world’s best practice, earning him plaudits for his attention to detail and careful allocation of valuable resources.

    Gillard has undergone a staggering transformation, performing with energy and natural grace. Finally, she has stopped talking like a senior constable issuing an alert for two people of male persuasion and Caucasian appearance to assist in connection with inquiries into an alleged transgression of the law. She now speaks with verve and clarity.

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