This global “cold snap” looks more significant than the one we highlighted last month.
I mean the current trace is further below the skein of annual traces than it was in January.
This global “cold snap” looks more significant than the one we highlighted last month.
I mean the current trace is further below the skein of annual traces than it was in January.
Thanks for posting again on this, Warwick.
Sure, it’s only weather. But at least it’s globally averaged temperature, not some freak individual event in one part of the world, such as the warmers often trot out as evidence (Aussie droughts, French heat waves, individual hurricanes, low Arctic sea ice etc. etc.) And these recent 10-year record global cold events also reflect a clear stagnation of the overall temperature trend over the past 10-15 years, when according to IPCC models there should have been a warming of around a quarter of a degree.
The predictions of doom are the only things turning out to be “worse than we previously thought”. How much longer must temperatures stay flat before we get some admissions that the alarm has been overdone? Roy Spencer, who compiles the data, comments here.
The Remote Sensing Systems people, who “believe in” global warming, and use different methods from UAH, but applied to the same satellite data, have posted their figures for February, which give further evidence of a flattening out of global temperatures over the past 15 years.
The figure for the lower troposphere (first graph, about two-thirds the way down their page linked above) is the second-lowest monthly reading since 1993 (digital data here).
There is more trouble for the catastrophic global warming thesis in their other series. There is still no “tropical hot spot” in the mid-troposphere as required by global warming models, and the lower stratosphere, which should be cooling rapidly, has stopped doing this since 1995 (see RSS’s bottom graph).