WA polls indicating change in WA Gov show Albo risks being one term PM

I blogged a month ago “Voice campaign polls tightening says ABC”
and has that ever been borne out yeeha.
Since then National polls have showed gains by those intending to vote NO and recently even NSW polls have indicated a majority for NO.
All this has raised the possibility that the referendums could fail which might contribute to Albo being a one term PM.
New WA Gov. laws around intrusion of Indigenous rights onto your “freehold land” have increasingly raised landholder concerns in that State in recent months since the retirement of the popular Premier McGowan. And of course all Australians should assume that their State or Territory Govs. have similar impositions on freehold property being planned deep in their GreenLeft bureaucracies.
In the last few days polls in WA have indicated an earthquake in voting intentions to the extent that the election of a new LNP State Gov is indicated if an election were held.
Poll shows Libby Mettam’s Liberals hold 54-46 two-party preferred lead over Labor with Roger Cook as Premier 23Jul23
Quote [The WA Liberals would win an election held today, according to remarkable new polling that reveals dramatic upheaval in the State’s political landscape.
Mark McGowan’s shock departure, coupled with deeply unpopular Aboriginal heritage laws — which the government has battled to explain — appear to have critically damaged Labor’s prospects in the two short months since Roger Cook took over as Premier.]
It is a long while yet to the referendum vote and if polling continues to indicate a loss for the Yes Vote then I suppose Albo could call off the referendum and just legislate for a Voice; which I recall he has previously threatened to do. I also expect the AEC to act very biassed in favour of a Yes Vote plus the upcoming Govt legislation on disinformation and misinformation has great potential to be used to attack the No Voters side.
Looking further ahead to the 2025 Federal Election the next two summers are a danger time in terms of power price spikes caused by weather and outages that could pressure Govt. energy policy. All factors that could work against Labor in 2025.

Huge Chinese Consulate in Adelaide – are they spying

Is China spying on our various defence related projects. Could be a centre for spying on Woomera and the new Oz Space Industry HQ and operations – not to mention submarine and RAN ship building, Jindalee (JORN) “over the horizon radar network” at Edinburgh – Jindalee Operational Radar Network
RAAF reconnaissance operations out of Edinburgh Air base. The Consulate is probably the closest Chinese facility to Pine Gap. Not to mention ~mid-way between China and Antarctica. Hoping readers can add info. Could Australia jam the Sino’s if they are listening to our radio emissions?
New Adelaide Chinese consulate attracts angry protest after complaints about size, human rights abuses 30Mar2021
Australia monitors new Chinese consulate 25Mar2021
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade secretary Frances Adamson says she understands concerns about a new Chinese consulate in Adelaide.

BoM reply to me solves mystery Tasmanian island with rain-gauge

Wow a rare event to report – BoM sends me a sensible email communication – chalk that one up.
Around 19Jun23 I noticed a mystery Island was showing SE of Tas on BoM www rainfall maps where by colour coded dots they portray rain gauge readings over the last 48 hrs.
I Tweeted this on the 19th –

thinking this would find its way to BoM and they would quickly fix their html error.
I have been away from Twitter for several years and restarted after Musk bought in.
I know nothing about the finer points of tweeting.
If any reader knows of some useful www “tweeting for dummies” please pass on.
When after a few days the “island was still showing” on 22 June I emailed Minister Plibersek who has BoM under her wing.
My email got the usual “machine acknowledgement” and I noticed Mystery Island disappeared on 28Jun, I tweeted this.

Mystery Island reappeared on 29th and vanished again on 30th.
Then yesterday a reply came in from BoM – click for jpg copy.
I have difficulty remembering a more sensible and to the point reply from BoM and I am wondering if Minister Plibersek possesses some magical powers she can assert over BoM.