We all remember the multi media items blaming ScoMo Gov for Eastern States (NEM region) “gas crisis”.
This duckduck link finds articles from 2021 and 2022.
Bounty Oil have this map of PEP11 and seismic that shows what they think is the best drill target is way nearer Hunter than Sydney.
We hear on news that the PEP11 cancellation is being challenged in the courts.
We know world gas prices are at stellar levels.
The AEMO Gas dashboard shows our high gas prices in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane.
How easy it would be for PM Albo or his Resources Minister King to tell a Gov Lawyer to get into this court pronto and say they are joining the case to reinstate PEP11.
Cancel the PM ScoMo secretive, ill considered move to cancel PEP11.
The Feds could also discuss buying into PEP11 with the owners and Joint Venturers.
Actually do something to MAKE A STRONGER WIDE BROWN LAND.
Too easy. Crickets.
Traitors everywhere on and around the wide brown land.
Torres Strait ‘motherland’ mulls Chinese investment as community leader criticises Anthony Albanese 19Aug2022
China’s plan to build a fish processing facility in the Torres Strait raises alarm over fishing, border security 15Dec2020
Christmas 2020 I blogged –
China walks on Australian toes in Torres Strait
PM Albanese visited the Torres St yesterday and The Australian today tells us they already have an elected Voice body speaking to Minister Burney. (Column by Paige Taylor on The Voice) If that works why not just expand that Nationally – no need to change the Constitution or held a divisive referendum. If the Torres St Voice does not work – well why would a National Voice work?
The Australian also has an article today quoting various people from around the wide brown land including Noel Pearson speaking in favour of keeping the “cashless welfare card”. Column 1 — Columns 2,3,4,5.
Full section of page 6 from the Australian 19Aug22 covering these above various subjects including something from John Howard. WordPress has lost the editing tools that have worked for years. So the links to 4 jpg’s of above articles are below.
The Australian p6 19Aug22 column by Paige Taylor on The Voice
The Australian p6 19Aug22 Paige Taylor on The Cashless Welfare Card column 1
The Australian p6 19Aug22 Paige Taylor on The Cashless Welfare Card columns 2,3,4,5.
The Australian p6 a larger area 19Aug22 Paige Taylor on Albo visit Torres St various incl above.
Overdue that I updated the chart for my Perth dams catchment May-Oct rain index
July 2021 was a big month for Perth dam catchments rain and I blogged –
Bickley in Perth Hills wettest year since 1996
OurABC reports AIMS saying- Great Barrier Reef coral cover at record levels after mass-bleaching events – so sceptics were right then? jennifermarohasy.com/2022/07/rebels-to-the-coral-reef-cause-part-5/
Great Barrier Reef coral cover at record levels after mass-bleaching events, report shows 4Aug22
ABC ScreenSave
Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations