Prime Minister speaks rubbish says hydro power is cheaper

What is it about Tasmania and the ever-ready pipeline of Commonwealth taxpayers money?
Must be too many Fed. Pollies over there.
Just heard our PM on ABC TVNews24 talking about a second Bass St power cable and Fed. financing for Tassie Hydro’s pumped hydro boondoggle “Battery of the Nation“. Many of the Snowy 2.0 shortcomings will apply in Tassie.
This chart of Monthly AEMO wholesale price shows how Tas prices are weather dependent. And both Tassie and Snowy hydros have the brains to sell their power into PEAK TIMES – see OpenNem. So unless we are enjoying months of flooding rains we are unlikely to see cheap hydro power. This month now the worst of the January heat waves have passed – mainland States prices have retreated to ~$100 but Tas prices are way higher than other States. Prime Minister please take Note!! For larger chart
Hydro installed capacities in NSW, Vic and Tas are so small – hydro can only ever be a bit player on our Eastern Grid.

MDB was way drier pre 1950

How the Nation is badly served by the GreenLeft media, Green biased water bureaucrats and useless knee-jerk green politicians. Bleating on about rainfall in normally dry summer months – beating up normal events like fish kills – failing to drive home that major problems are the mad environmental flows politicians have agreed to – invoking Flannery by using language like “unless it rains” which to the ignorant implies it might not rain again. Seemingly failing to realize that news beating up MDB heat is quoting the BoM adjusted warmer ACORN temperature data where the past is cooled.
Examples from last 3 months – “rainfall continues to contract” – “Hot, dry year” – “outlook is grim unless it rains”. Trend for southern wet season is similar. Black line is 5 yr av.

ABC TV News24 milking “ground is burning” propaganda

ABC TV News24 particularly Joe O’Brien has been shamelessly milking this story from NT making a wink wink connection to “climate change”. Spontaneous combustion in haystacks is a well known phenomena as explained by the ABC’s own Dr Karl. There must be mass sackings in the GreenLeft AgitProp machine that is the ABC.

Power consumed by Villawood phone & www Nigerian scams adding to Climate Change

Amazing story of crimes under our Govt noses since 2013 and who knows when. Global drug trafficking operation run out of Villawood pills improve energy levels of brain. Patients are supposed to swallow 20 mg strength of its dosage. levitra without prescription We realize what it is like searching for quality tadalafil price content regarding doxycycline, for example. detention centre, phone taps reveal And polls suggest we will soon vote in GreenLabor who will be weaker on laws that the nation needs.

Queensland Premier claims 7 or 8 years of drought

I heard Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on ABC TV news 7th or 8th Feb claiming “after 7 or 8 years of drought” in the context of talking about cattle deaths in floods around the Mt Isa – Hughenden region. This got me to looking at BoM drought maps and maps of recent rain to see exactly where Qld drought has been from 2011 to 2018. Here are two 4 year Qld drought maps showing the Premiers entire 8 year period.
How does the Premier get to be so detached from the facts of BoM maps?
I have a separate www page with relevant BoM maps of Australia for easy comparison of drought areas for each of those those 8 years. It was a bit of a shock to find that for year 1 – 2011 there was no drought anywhere in Australia. Then for year 2 – 2012 there was almost no drought in Qld. Then in 2013 there were sizeable drought areas in our subject area affected by recent floods. In no subsequent year were there any significant drought areas in our subject area. Let me know what you think of the Premier’s statement. I know the Townsville floods and cattle death floods to the west have stressed all involved. However we surely can not lose our grip on measurable factual data to this extent.

Central planning for widdle Australia 2050

I downloaded their “Summary brochure (PDF, 354 KB)” – So they say – “By 2050, international demand for Australia’s natural resources may have fallen”. That sounds like a winner – anybody can see that nobody will want mineral resources anymore.
And “..agricultural trade is likely to have fallen because of climate-related downturns in production.” Courageous predictions against historic trends.
I wish these mainly on the public purse crystal ball gazers would read some history and learn that we did a huge experiment into central planning last century and it was called the USSR. Collapsed in a heap 30 years ago after killing dozens of millions and blighting the lives of countless millions of others. After all that monstrous sacrifice – Russia’s GDP is still only ~that of Canada.
We should tell our MP’s and Senators to stop any Govt. funding of this socialist road-mapping taking us to a USSR Lite.

BoM genius never saw Townsville floods coming

Hat-tip David Brewer – thanks Dave. Checkout the BoM rain Outlook for Jan issued 20th Dec. – Townsville region EXACTLY defined as v dry and Mt Isa-Winton region also dryer than average. The tropics too, predicted dryer than average – marvel at BoM incompetence. Jan actual rain Percentages – Larger Jan Outlook map

Rain Outlook for Feb issued 17 Jan – Townsville region still defined as way dryer than average – ditto Mt Isa region. Feb month to date actual rain Percentages

Australia might need a Govt owned bank again

Sorry OT re climate. On the eve of the release of the Banks Royal Commission reports I hear news that the banks are tightening loan requirements. Well if that happens to impair business’s and normal economic activity, the normal ability of people to raise loans. Then the Fed Govt could form a new Commonwealth owned bank and compete in the market as they saw fit. Or bring in more foreign banks to compete with big 4 a-holes.
Most States have had “State Banks” and there have been financial disasters but some have been well run.
But hey why not “Bank of Australia”.

Townsville floods & rainfall history

I see this morning that Ross River dam levels @ the spillway have reduced 0.25m overnight.
The ABC had this map of flood levels tweeted from Townsville local govt.- first useful map I had seen in a week but I can not find the source. Tables rain history – Townsville Aero monthly rain from 1941 – and Townsville Pilot Station monthly rain from 1871 1951
You can make charts of Jan and Feb rainfall history from each site. Interesting to speculate how much water is wasting to sea from this event. Using this map of weekly rain I did a rough calc. that a minimum area 150 x 50km = 7500 sq km might have shed an excess 0.3m of rain to the sea which would = 2,250GL or 3.75 years of typical Sydney annual water consumption(600GL). I expect the real numbers will be more than twice that. If anybody can produce better figures for rivers outflow to the sea – please do.

Record AEMO electricity prices in January 2019

We have been hearing through 2018 how the Fed. Govt. will do this or that to lower electricity prices.
Well despite that blabber all states prices moved higher into summer. Yet the worst of Jan. heat spells were short in the worst affected states and despite everybody knowing exactly when summer was due – records were broken.
Vic and SA had their highest monthly price for 6 years. Tas saw their highest price outside the 2015-16 Basslink failure. NSW had their highest price since the Feb 2017 heat spike which cracked $178. Only Qld averaged under $100(93.91) For large version chart.