You have to pinch yourself – during 1990 the Goulburn Airport AWS 70330 daily minimums record way to many “zero’s” particularly in November & December. Such an elementary string of errors that should have been edited out. But we see the great USA climate group NOAA through their GHCN data imported Goulburn Airport AWS errors which can all be seen in the station data downloadable from the KNMI Climate Explorer – select first column GHCN-D V2 “minimum temperature” – enter Goulburn – click “Get stations” button – select Goulburn Airport AWS click “get data” link- then above top graphic click “raw data” link. A month ago we blogged on the issue of other errors at Goulburn Airport AWS. Persistent truth telling climate sceptics cause the BoM to shaft itself again. Here is a screen shot of the KNMI Goulburn Airport AWS minimums page header.
To see my saved text file of the KNMI GOULBURN_AIRPORT_AWS for 1990. Continue reading Elementary BoM temperature data errors go international
Monthly Archives: August 2017
NSW electricity load shedding near blackout 10th Feb 2017
Just wanted to get these charts of generation and demand out re the near blackout event last Feb. Full month large chart. Remember Liddell is slated to close early 2022.
3 days large chart. Intro from AEMO report – Keystone cops would have been right at home. In a nutshell – coal gen was off its highs achieved on 5th, 11th and at end of month. Gas was below specs. due mainly low gas supply – ironic for a State with gas exploration bans. Imports were spikey and Hydro were the big heroes in preventing blackouts. Wind ebbed away through the afternoon as of course did tiny solar.
More Continue reading NSW electricity load shedding near blackout 10th Feb 2017
Snow in Canberra today
ABC says Canberra experiences freezing day. Good videos.
178 years of Adelaide rainfall
A reader mentioned to me that Sir George Kingston had kept rainfall data at Grote Street Adelaide from 1839-1878 and that data was in the South Australian library. The BoM has added the first 22 years of the Kingston data to West Terrace making West Terrace start in 1839 – I have added Kent Town post ~1978. This chart as per BoM – The Grote Street data is v slightly different 1839-1860 – then a bit more different 1861-1878 – I can add that later. I am sure there will be points to comment on – but I found it interesting that 1974 is not noteworthy despite Lake Eyre filling. Large graph.
The Australian jumps on errors in Taralga (NSW) temperature recording
So sweet to see the BoM getting publicity – buy the paper. Try googling – Wrong end of the stick on temperatures. Or try this Fresh doubts over BoM records after thermometer read at wrong end For large image.
Several NZ election cartoons at Whaleoil
Perth region gets average August rain by the 15th
No doubt a headline event for the WA Watercorporation. There seems to be errors in the BoM map for example the 100% line should go west from Perth to the coast on basis Swanbourne and Rottnest – see data at AWN map. The brown area NNE of Wagin seems to lack data justification too in stations I can see at the CDO map. For large map.
Perth dam catchments have magical water repellent properties
Last February there was widespread heavy rain over SW Western Australia causing much flooding across many districts – Engineers Australia. Yet I can not see evidence that water was measured flowing into Perth dams. The rain for Perth catchments was mostly on the 10th Feb. I have kept screen shots of the “Rainfall at Perth Dams” page which has a running total of inflows but the total never varies in the days after the rain event.
Christchurch floods again – how useful are NIWA Outlooks?
Web footed Kiwis are emailing me as Christchurch and regions floods again. Whenever I have read NIWA Outlooks they seem utterly useless – This reasoning is based on the similar chemical structure of india viagra generic can make this possible that single consumption will entertain your life for an absolute thirty six hours by redeeming impotency effect from your body. Once you are sexually aroused, buy online viagra will start showing its effect. Talking to the person with whom you have conflicts instead of talking to others is more helpful. viagra online samples Booster viagra on line australia capsule is capable of wiping out the problem of erection disorder, you are advised to buy Kamagra after prescription from an experienced and professional healthcare provider. does anybody get value for all the $Millions of Kiwi taxpayer dollars? Can anybody report where NIWA Outlooks have been accurate? Must get it right sometime.
Aluminium price jumps 7%
I have kept a weekly check on metal prices for some years now – for a year Aluminium has been pretty much boring but has just jumped ~7% on the back of falling stocks. Interesting because of our aluminium smelters that will be a bit more able to cope with electricity prices now.