The NZ Herald today has a headline “An Auckland cliff is showing signs of collapsing.” In the context of rain from “Cyclone Debbie” – they must mean “remnants of Cyclone Debbie”. Anyway, back to the cliff. A rational statement would say “all cliffs anywhere on planet earth (including Auckland) are the sites of past, present and future collapse”. The rate of collapse can be varied by factors such as wave action, rain, runoff, earthquakes and river meandering.
Why is society so ignorant of earth science 101.
Monthly Archives: April 2017
The ABC has been attacking PHON as racist
We know the ABC has a team constantly puffing any obscure negative story about PHON and is now promoting the lie that PHON is racist. I have had an email listing a few reasons why people might vote PHON – and I have added some of my own – not in any order of merit.
Thoughtful Australians are sick & tired of –
[1] Over promoted and taxpayer funded renewable energy target MRET destroying our electricity grid.
[2] Lying country shoppers being accepted as refugees aided n abetted by taxpayer funded left-wing lawyers.
[3] Indonesia aiding n abetting n waving through 2.
[4] Authorities being negligently complacent re the general spread of harmful Islam in Australia –
A – spread of FGM –
B – polygamy –
C – child brides –
D – Jihadism –
E – Harmful growth of Islam in prisons.
F – Family Day Care scandals.
[5] Public funded media promotion of “celebrity Muslims” to an extent way beyond their percentage in the population.
[6] Failure by authorities to stop violence being advocated (for example – killing of Muslim back-sliders) in statements made in Mosques and Islamic meetings.
[7] Disgusting facts recently in Sydney press about Islamic influence at Punchbowl High School – a public school.
[8] The general over-promotion of LGBTI whatever alphabet soup in taxpayer funded media and in taxpayer funded institutions.
[9] The disgusting Safe Schools program.
[10] Schools should concentrate more on the 3 R’s.
[11] The impairment of our Defence forces with LGBTI-Rainbow-leftwing-Muslim influences.
[12] Never forget the Collins Class submarines monster $6Bn fail that is still costing us. Many other defence wasteful $burning purchases.
[13] Concentrating defence contracts in Adelaide after monster fail of 12.
[14] Signing up for $50Bn French subs before even a prototype has been built.
Added 8.15am Monday 3 Apr – Thanks Bg the ABC have this classic attack story. Move over Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot –
One Nation former candidates, party insiders reveal Pauline Hanson’s ‘brutal dictatorship’ 3 Apr 2017
New icebreaker not value for money
Replacement vessel for AAD icebreaker Aurora Australis not value for money, says audit office. What would you expect – most everything Govt touches turns to crap.
BoM March rain Outlook triumph
The March Outlook
March percent rain