Now 550+ legal claims on New Zealand coast and seas by Maori organizations

I got an email about the large number(~55) of these Public Notices in the NZ Herald relating to coastal land under the NZ Resource Management Act (RMA). My understanding is that if say a mineral explorer – Kiwi Coast Minerals (KCM) – wants to explore for say beach sands – in addition to complying with the RMA they would have to negotiate with local councils – who may have unelected Maori members. I am not sure if there is a further RMA process where KCM may be obliged to negotiate with Maori land organizations, such as those lodging the 55 advertisements. I have kept some pages of adverts offline. Also here are 3 examples of the full text of adverts Continue reading Now 550+ legal claims on New Zealand coast and seas by Maori organizations

AEMO forecasts large cut in the electricity spot price on 1st May

Checkout AEMO Price and Demand charts. I kept screen shots – NSW, Qld, Vic, SA all showing a greater than halving of the spot price as the 1st of May starts. But Tasmania scores a price hike that more than doubles. We will see what AEMO spot prices do in May. For snapshot of all States generation by type there is NemWatch.

Why is AEMO electricity price for Tasmania rocketing?

I have been watching my 5 States chart and the rise in AEMO wholesale price for Tasmania since Feb puzzles me. I thought their relatively large hydro resource might have insulated Tassie from the more erratic prices interstate. Hydro Tasmania is State Govt owned and is swamped with debt.
Generation by NemWatch – Price and Demand at AEMO and their NEM Dispatch Overview.

Saga of lead in Perth Children’s Hospital water supply

The ABC reports – Perth Children’s Hospital (PCH) lead contamination in water pipes supplying site – my Dec 2016 blog “Australian Government financial disasters” was discussing this issue early this month. How slow it is for truth to emerge.
The WA Building Commission has reported on the lead contamination issue with an 83 page pdf – Final report – Perth Children’s Hospital audit. Analytical results are presented in a 3 page pdf – Test results – Perth Children’s Hospital lead level patterns. The crux of the Commission findings are on page 27 of the audit section in their must read 6.4.1 Findings. High metal contents were found in the “dead leg”, a 52m dead end length of pipe open to the QEII ring main see page – see page 34 for table of analyses. The location of the “dead leg” is shown on the page 22 map – note proximity to PCH offtakes. The Commission also suspects new brass fittings in PCH as another source of lead contamination.
Page 2 of the test results shows 4 charts labelled North-South-East-West Blocks of presumably the PCH. The South Block chart in lower left shows an increasing trend of lead content. I do not recall that being addressed.

Most Ivanpah power comes from natural gas

I had not heard much about the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility for a while – no wonder – Recall we were told gas would be used to warm the boilers on cold Mohave Desert mornings. But when you convert the ever increasing natural gas usage to MWhrs – Ivanpah electricity production is mostly from natural gas.

Not every day Australia is threatened with a nuclear strike

Here is what the NORK Foreign Ministry spokesman said. While checking headlines at KCNAWATCH I was drawn to this news of the heroic efforts of a mining team at the Komdok Pb, Zn, Ag mine. Perhaps these sort of prizes could help bring back our mining boom. This comparison of North & South Korea sets out some parameters measuring how colossal the NORK failure has been since 1970 measured against booming South Korea. Allowing that SK has twice the population – the NORKs GDP is only about a 40th of the south per capita. A truly stunning performance for the little hereditary Stalinist nuke & missile making hermit kingdom.

Pay the Financial Times to read fake news

We all saw these stories featuring from Abbott Point after Cyclone Debbie.
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But the Financial Times is still spruiking the original Green lies.

Is there a plan to get housing out of flood zones

So many towns include areas built too near rivers – it seems amazing in 2017 we are distracted by these repeated flood dramas. Does anybody know if there are plans to encourage the worst affected to move to higher ground.