Chart data from – BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013
On the day the Australian Climate Authority puts out a load of twaddle it is useful to remind ourselves of the facts of where Australia stands in the global carbon dioxide emissions stakes.
The new Australian Federal Govt is itching to sack this GreenLabor stacked quango – Climate Change Authority – but has to wait until newly elected Senators take the seats 1st July 2014 – unless Labor agrees to vote with the Govt.
The critical question for Australia is – why should we risk our puny little economy by making harmful changes when Asian emissions continue to skyrocket.
We could shut Australia down and return to the Stone Age – the effect on global emissions would not be noticed.
Forecast 28°
– weather turned out 25°
Apologies – I initially posted the forecast at 35deg which was wrong – it was 28.
The 35 degrees is tomorrow, Wednesday.
– In January I commented on an 8° fail. Australian Bureau of Meteorology Sydney temperature forecast 12 Jan 2013 – another amazing failure Overwork, cut-throat buy cheap levitra competition leads to physical weakness and above all, the individual’s willpower. Understanding physical and sexual history is a must, this will save you money, time and a trip to the local gym can help purchase generic viagra you out. The cosmetic surgeon would recommend series of tests that might include blood sampling, evaluation of patient’s medical history and physical canada generic viagra assessment. We guarantee that you will get products of the top manufacturing brands associated canada viagra with the Lifting industry, such as Crosby, Gripton, Casar, Dillon, Modulift and many more.
Fascinating to check tonight what gets said on TV weather news. Sydney region forecast link –
Actual weather link – several days are kept.
The ABC commentary is here –
Key points
Agencies not prepared for a major emergency
Confusion between police and fire service about who was in charge
Fire service failed to act on computer simulations predicting Dunalley could be devastated by the Forcett fire
Road closures could have been handled better
Lives probably put at risk
103 recommendations
Government accepts 72 recommendations, 31 approved in principle
30 prioritised for immediate start
Fuel reduction planning begins immediately
the report is introduced here – note the 1967 history – www site to download the pdf report in two parts total ~16MB.
Subsequent ABC news items as various parties position themselves – Opposition wants Tasmanian minister to quit over bushfire crisis – Firefighters take a swipe at January bushfire inquiry findings – Premier rejects Opposition claims fire fuel warnings ignored.
After the devastation of the Dunalley fire 4 Jan 2013 I posted this – Question about large fixed wing air tankers, water bombers in Australia now – Dunalley fire timeline. The report Appendix has timelines which show the Forcett fire (which ran and destroyed Dunalley on the 4th) was known to be burning on the 3rd.
I am saying this is a case where a four engined air tanker could have put out the Forcett fire on the 3rd. Too often our fire services seem to “accompany fires” – exhausting their resources. For example Yass and SE Cooma last summer – both of which burnt for several days – and the town of Yass was lucky not to come under direct attack. In both cases I am saying four engined air tankers would have been useful in suppressing those fires.
As a nation we spend $Billions on border protection but can not see the advantage in spending a few $Million each summer to charter a four engined water bomber or two. Technology that should probably be controlled by the RAAF.
IMHO the Victorian fire hierarchy on Black Saturday 7 Feb 2009 was in some disarray to say the least – possibly caught out by having their focus to the SE of Melbourne that morning and never properly catching up with catastrophic events to the north through the afternoon.
In the case of the Canberra fires 18 January 2003; these had been burning in NSW bush to the west and north west of the ACT for over a week – yet residents had little advance warning from authorities of the attack that Saturday afternoon.
Interesting that if you make maps of “Maximum Anomaly” and “Minimum Anomaly” for various periods, 1 day and 1 week – then click on the Earlier or Later button – you can see that the heat of September has lessened as we hit mid October.
Also I note both Adelaide and Melbourne have had near average temperatures for October so far.
That is the preferred title for the blog article by Tony from Oz.
Where he points out how the EPA is making new coal fired electricity generation next to impossible in the USA; while setting the emissions bar just at the level that permits gas fired generation.
I see these dams are part of Harvey Water Map Harvey Water dams – Levels Harvey Water dams –
Harvey Dam at 56GL and Wellington at 180GL are the two largest and are both full. Is there a reason in rainfall ? or catchment factors why these dams are full now ? At the exact time Perth water supply catchment dams are struggling to average 40% full.
Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations