I was amazed to hear reports quoting UK MP Peter Lilley that the Climate Change Bill 2008 “….puts the Bill’s potential cost as up to £205bn, it says the maximum benefits of this massive expenditure is £110bn(out to 2050).” BBC article from Nov 2008.
I thought, surely no rational society would do something so harmful to itself.
In March 2009 the Labour Government drastically revised the costs & benefits which are now as in this screen-shot.
What a descent into fairyland – and of course the huge and utterly illusory benefits are pumped up by the benefits of UK emission reductions around the world (page 7 of the pdf).
Do readers have an idea where the UK Govt is with all this now in May 2012 ?
Monthly Archives: May 2012
Aerial thermal scans over Perth – 16 years after this technology was used in the USA to measure urban heat island (UHI) effects
Chris Gilham has posted an item from the West Australian newspaper reporting the results of aerial thermal scans over Perth by a commercial firm Scantherma.
Of course this imagery can be used to prove the existence of the urban heat island (UHI) which magically never finds its way into IPCC temperature trends.
It is good to see this airborne technology used in Australia but airborne and satellite imagery has been detecting the UHI for decades. Here are several examples.
Continue reading Aerial thermal scans over Perth – 16 years after this technology was used in the USA to measure urban heat island (UHI) effects
Australian Bureau of Meteorology to trial online advertising
News comes out on Federal Budget night – which we all know is a classic PR tactic to bury news that Govt preferred was not noticed. So when you want to go online and check your local forecast – that you have amply paid for with your taxes over the years – you might now be offered – who knows what desirable goods or services ? Time will tell.
Do we have any readers out there familiar with online adverising who could estimate some potential numbers for us and take a guess at the type of advertising we might be offered.
Note too that the BoM despite being the subject of at least two inquiries – garners another 40 staff at $120,000 each – $4.8million.
I have a letter from the Australian National Audit Office stating their – “…2011 Audit Work Program includes two potential audits on the Bureau of Meteorology.”
I see too that in Dec 1999 there was an audit of the BoM into Severe weather. Interesting to see no mention of “flash flooding” – yet flash flooding killed so many people near Toowoomba in early 2011. Despite flash flooding being noted around Toowoomba by various newspaper reports over the last 100 years.
USA and European solar research groups differ over whether sunspots increased or decreased in April
Just noticed that the SWO sunspot number published by NOAA increased for April while the RI number published by the ROYAL OBSERVATORY OF BELGIUM decreased.
Just eyeballing the graph it looks to be a significant difference of opinion.
I notice the NOAA show the 10.7cm flux decreased too – which tends to go with a decrease in sunspots. Link Most of it is performed under local anesthetic, and usually, the procedure only takes approx. 15 minutes. overnight delivery viagra Just do some research and find the best medicine. Suffering from impotency can be an mouthsofthesouth.com discount viagra emotionally stressful situation. A healthy libido doesn’t have to disappear as you get older. to my earlier posts – there is a chain back to Dec 2006 when I first posted on diverging predictions for solar cycle 24. Then in March 2007 I posted David Archibald’s provocative article The Past and Future of Climate – where David correctly predicted a long solar minimum between cycles 23 & 24 and a weak cycle 24.
Canberra Airport 55 year record for 5 consecutive frosts up to the 8th May
With the budget to be delivered tonight and the Carbon Tax about to slam into our hip pocket nerves – I thought that the assembling MP’s mostly from warmer climes might like knowing that the Canberra bleakness they had encountered was a 55 year old record. In 1957 there were 10 consecutive frosts from the 3rd to 12th May – and they were colder than this year – but the urban heat island was much less in 1957. May 2011 had a 54 year record for total frost days.
Data downloads for the Ed Thurstan CRUT4 analysis
The Ed Thurstan files are zipped and can be downloaded;
www.warwickhughes.com/papers/etdata.zip – approx 27Mb
www.warwickhughes.com/papers/etodds.zip – other 2 under 500Kb each
On 23 March I started comparing CRUT4 with CRUT3 over Australia – these grid box anomaly maps shows large differences in 2007.
The newly released CRUT4 shows many warmer tweaks over the Australian region
More later.
Scandal at ANU over claims of “death threats” in emails
We all remember the story that ran viral last June about death threats in emails to Australian National University staff. It even ran overseas – here is The Guardian masthead for 6 June last year.
Now it has taken near a year but Sydney blogger Simon Turnill has had a huge FOI win in discovering that the emails contained no such threats. Read his story.
Why are we sceptics not surprised at this eventual outcome – so basic facts got hopelessly exaggerated by IPCC supportive scientists at ANU – so!! – and what does it say about about the rigor of higher level management processes at ANU. What a shocker.
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I see nothing today in the Fairfax owned Canberra Times, home of ANU – not keen to rock any boats eh. Note to read the story at The Australian – Google – Climate scientists’ claims of email death threats go up in smoke – then read full version.
Historic maps of Arctic sea ice extent 1893-1961 – discovery reported by Anthony Watts
Many historic maps from the Danish Meteorological Institute show that Arctic sea ice extent has varied more over the 20th Century than the IPCC would like us to believe. Read what author Regular yoga exercise maintains sexual wellbeing and helps a man achieve harder, longer-lasting cheap generic levitra erections on demand. How to enhance male organ size naturally cheap sildenafil uk is by massaging it using herbal oils like Mast Mood oil. The drug, formulated by Pfizer, was originally intended buy sildenafil 100mg to provide relief from heart and cardiovascular conditions. Blurred/Bluish Vision Another side effect best price on viagra unica-web.com/archive/2015/unica2015-proposed-unica2018-nld.pdf associated with erectile Dysfunction, which causes their partner for reject or inadequate. Frank Lansner has to say.
And while you are at the Anthony Watts site – please have a laugh at the classic photo of a Govt advertisement warning of drought.
Data shows CO2 is good for health, wealth and happiness
Reader Peter Lang sent me this gem from Dr Benny Peiser at The Global Warming Policy Foundation.
Author Dr Indur Goklany: Global Warming Policies Might Be Bad For Your Health