Australia abandons ETS plans for 3 years

Just heard on TV news, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd saying he was withdrawing the ETS from Parliament and it was “on ice” for three years.
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Dr Fred Singer calls for investigation of Jones data 1979-1997

Fred has just circulated this email of a shortly to be released Science Editorial
SCIENCE EDITORIAL #13-2010 (April 24, 2010)
By S. Fred Singer, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project
Let’s keep our eyes on the ball.
We need to trace the path taken by Phil Jones (and by Jim Hansen of NASA-GISS and by NOAA-NCDC) in distilling the raw thermometer readings from thousands of stations into a single number — the magical “global mean surface temperature” We need to document the process of how they selected stations. And we need to understand the kinds of corrections and adjustments they made.
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