The following is the text of an op-ed article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal Europe on 11 October 2007.
Misplaced Trust
David Henderson
Inconvenient truths about the UN’s global warming panel.
Governments across the world are mishandling climate-change issues. Policies to curb ‘greenhouse-gas’ emissions too often take the form of costly specific regulations, rather than a general price-based incentive such as a carbon tax. More fundamentally, there is good reason to question the advice on which governments are basing their policies.
Continue reading Prominent Economist critical of IPCC →
Fascinating insight into the real Al Gore by BBC journalist Roger Harrabin, see this quote from near the end of his article, “The heat and light in global warming”.
[And after the interview he and his assistant stood over me shouting that my questions had been scurrilous, and implying that I was some sort of climate-sceptic traitor.]
Click on for full text in case BBC link goes dead.
Continue reading Nobel prize winning Al Gore shouts at BBC journalist →
The IPCC and its exaggerated scenarios for future sea levels.

This is a figure from page 16 of the 20 page booklet “THE GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD” by Dr Nils-Axel Mörner and available from him for $15. Email: morner AT
Continue reading “THE GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD” →
This article by Mike Nahan of the IPA, in the Opinion section of The West Australian 28 September 2007, says it all.
Two posts of mine touch on shortcomings of wind power.
Should we be surprised ? August 22nd, 2007
Albany Wind Farm underperforms, December 4th, 2006
A similar Govt exaggeration to what we see at Albany is claimed for most England and Wales wind farms, full text copied below. UK article from the Telegraph, Wind farms ‘are failing to generate the predicted amount of electricity’,
For text of Mike’s article in case the link goes offline Continue reading Wind power fad driven by environmental spin →
Primarily exposing faulty methodologies behind global temperature trend compilations