Contributed by Owen McShane
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I acknowledge that the city of Kyoto exists. Any claims to the contrary are fraudulent.
However, the protocol developed out of the IPCC conference in Kyoto is a fraud, because it is based on fraudulent assumptions, fraudulent models and fraudulent manipulations of data.
First, a few key points:
- Climate Change is real. Claims that the climate is static and unchanging are fraudulent.
- Claims that the burning of fossil fuels has released large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere are not fraudulent.
- Claims that this carbon dioxide is a "pollutant" are fraudulent because carbon dioxide is a benign gas which is also a fertilizer and necessary for the growth of plants.
The United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims a consensus exists that global average temperatures may increase by 1 or 2 degrees by the end of the century. This claim is probably not fraudulent in itself.
However, most of the other IPCC assumptions, which have led to the Kyoto Protocol, are fraudulent. This necessarily means that the Kyoto protocol itself is a fraud and that our [NZ] government is the victim of a major scam.
I shall now deal with the fourteen key fraudulent items which have been used to construct the fraudulent Kyoto Protocol.