Category Archives: Climate indicators

SOI retraces and No Vote historic huge Aussie verdict against Albo Gov

Less than a month ago 19 Sep BoM was saying El Nino would bring us a “..Summer of severe heat..”
We remember the “brutal summer” media blitz.
Contrary to BoM media is fact that in the almost month since BoM media heralding El Nino the SOI(Southern Oscillation Index) has turned to weaker negative readings closer to the neutral zone between El Nino and La Nina.
NOBODY!! knows what the SOI will do in the future, we can only follow the numbers as published.

Great Albo Cool & Wet Period in Australian mean temperature history

This chart of Australian Govt Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) ACORN V2.3 land station mean temperature series vs NASA lower troposphere satellites UAH, thanks to Chris Gillham,
My annotation on Chris’ chart indicates the “Great Albo Cool & Wet Period” (GACWP)
Note Albo is the nick for our GreenLeft Australian Prime Minister Albanese. The GACWP starts after the heat of 2019 to the present day and has not ended. It will take a few months near 3 deg mean anomaly to end the GACWP.
Those of us who follow weather news would have noticed the effort BoM have been putting into talking up heat. Remember their “Heatwave” warning www page – sadly launched in the GACWP. BoM monthly data from here –

Fraser Island fire caused by “stupendous heatwave”

Our ABC reporting a bushfire expert. The Fraser Island fire burnt for ~60 days after a campfire on 14 Oct was not put out. ABC says quote [Bowman points to the K’gari-Fraser Island blaze, which burnt through nearly half the World Heritage-listed site before being contained by heavy rain.
The problem, he says, is “the lining up of the heatwaves and the flooding events”.
“Unfortunately, what happened in south-east Queensland is that there was this stupendous heatwave that enabled a fire to occur during a La Nina year,” he says, adding: “We wouldn’t have predicted such an intense fire”.
“And now, literally in days, it switched from an uncontrolled bushfire burning Fraser Island to this side of a category one cyclone in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales.
“So … we’re talking about really major extremes.”]
Hervey Bay Airport BoM# 40405 For saved image – looks the nearest reliable temperature data and no data looks remotely “stupendous” to me. The main lesson to take-away IMHO is that fire authorities should act quicker to put fires out – but there was an election in Queensland.

Long-term Climate Variability in Australia

I discovered this historic BoM (1999) flyer while searching for a hard copy of a 1992 paper on the 1970’s Pacific Climate Shift. Read how the BoM attributes – El Nino – thousands of years of ice ages and warm periods – solar cycles – volcanic eruptions – oceans and currents – sea-ice extent – greenhouse and on the back page urbanisation and land use changes get a nod. Page onetwothreefour.
I found on my HDD this front page of Kerr R.A. 1992. Unmasking a shifty climate system. Science 255: 1508–1510. – if anybody has a pdf please pass on. Three of the time-series charts in BoM 1999 – temperature – rainfall and cloud cover all show evidence of a shift in the 1970’s.
I sourced updated data for the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) from NOAA and made this monthly PDO chart 1854 to current. Positive periods tend to be dry and negative wet.
We should recall the Qld DPI very useful rainfall maps that I blogged on in March 2018. They have more versions now.

Bushfire history not hard to find

In light of constant media and Govt claims that current bushfires on the NSW North Coast are “unprecedented”.
I spent 15 minutes checking TROVE the great NLA site for scanned ancient newspapers searching only “fires Taree”. Feel free to post other examples of cool season fires from other north coast localities.
Several bush fires occurred in various parts of the Taree district last week, with rather disastrous consequences. 23Oct1925
Taree was threatened on Sunday night by huge bush fires, which raged within 200 yards of the railway line, until the wind veered. 10Oct1928
Forest fires in Taree district 29August1936

Trans-Arctic shipping has flopped

From an expert Norwegian. I wonder why? Of course this is all over our GreenLeft mainstream news. If the constant AGW/CC agitprop we are bombarded with was half true – Arctic shipping would be a boom industry.
Dr Yun Sun also writes re The Northern Sea Route: “The Myth of Sino-Russian Cooperation”. China just not interested – prefers their shipping the long way.