A reader reminded me of this issue and asked if I had checked the “carbon dioxide thermometer”. This concept arises from the fact that in warm years carbon dioxide outgasses from oceans into the atmosphere while in cool years the opposite takes place with carbon dioxide moving from the atmosphere into oceans.
This chart shows many correlations showing that the “carbon dioxide thermometer” is alive and well and is saying that 1998 is still the hottest year in the last four decades. So the “CO2 thermometer” says the satellites with their automated 24/7 pinging of the entire planet are to be trusted before HadCRUT4 which on land derives data mostly from ever expanding urban areas which are warming due to the urban heat island effect. In addition, temperature series such as HadCRUT4 are being adjusted cooler in earlier years thus increasing the warming trend.
Category Archives: IPCC
Timeline around the “We have 25 or so years invested in the work.” 2005 email from Dr Phil Jones
I have just had an email saying that the Feb 2005 email from Dr Phil Jones to me saying – “We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it. ” – has been mentioned at Climate etc the blog by Dr Judith Curry.
This got me to wondering if I have posted anywhere the six months sequence of emails starting July 2004 that lead up to Dr Jones marvellous missive. If you click more – my warts & all text file notes are there for those interested.
Continue reading Timeline around the “We have 25 or so years invested in the work.” 2005 email from Dr Phil Jones
Global Warming is a Crock of Sh*t – great video by Paul Joseph Watson
A must listen just under 7mins – clear speaker packs a lot in nailing point after point – works without breaks on my not-so-hot Virgin wireless connection.
Paul also has a video – Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace – also very well delivered. Many other videos too.
Some climate sanity after Paris COP21 blabfest
This Fig 3 from the book The Chilling Stars by Henrik Svensmark & Nigel Calder sums up 12,000 years of Holocene cosmic & solar driven “climate change” in the North Atlantic. The paper by G. Bond can be found as a pdf by googling the title -Persistent solar influence on North Atlantic climate during the holocene. The periods of iceberg armadas through the last glacial are termed Heinrich events and the warmer periods between are termed Dansgaard-Oeschger events. I wonder if these 19C reports of iceberg fleets way north of where we would now expect in southern oceans – are the tail end of the last Heinrich event.
Australian Conservation Foundation goes to CoP21 UN Paris climate talks
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The Marc Morano movie “Climate Hustle” previewing in Paris during COP21
Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock UN Climate Summit – ‘Climate Hustle’ To Have Red Not only does it buy sildenafil viagra increase their stamina and confidence in the bedroom. Prescription from a doctor is needed to order Kamagra online: If overnight viagra you wish to place an order online for discreet delivery. This position is non prescription viagra seanamic.com/order-5246 important for a successful sexual intercourse. A young person suffering from impotence find over here cheapest levitra shall face a stressful condition. Carpet Premiere in Paris – I am keen to see the DVD when available.
Syria rain history – I think they have other problems
Like many I noticed Prince Charles repeating the claim that climate change is responsible for the rise of Islamic State.
Looking for rain data history at KNMI Climate Explorer I found the only monthly data that made charts for Syria was the “monthly CRU TS3.23 precipitation Syria Index”.
and below expressed as anomalies
The BBC has an interesting Syria profile – Timeline on the last hundred years history of Syria. Andrew Bolt has a post on the story – The science says Prince Charles is a fool to blame global warming for the Islamic State – and Euan Mearns also has – Drought, Climate, War, Terrorism, and Syria.
Turkey has just shot down a Russian Su-24 fighter that was presumably annoying the Turkmen who live very close to the Syria-Turkey border and are no fans of President Assad. While all this is in motion the Kurds Peshmerga forces assisted by western airstrikes are methodically joining the dots towards a new Kurdistan in NE Syria and Iraq. What a maelstrom of diverse competing forces.
Mining Engineer lays complaints to University of Queensland about the behaviour of staff related to climate issues
Read all about it – set out with crystal clarity at the website of Malcolm Roberts.
Series of articles on climate and the IPCC by Peter F Gill a UK physicist
Peter has examined climate issues for many years and he has recently got a series of articles in a UK newspaper, the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser.
29 March 2015 – A Different Approach: Changing climates
26 April 2015 – A Different Approach: Greenhouse gases and climate sensitivity
12 August 2015 – Climate change explained
4 October 2015 – The findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Puzzling why no coalition MP’s or Senators use Senate Estimates hearings to question the BoM about their ACORN temperature data adjustments
Recently Dr Jennifer Marohasy reported on a meeting of MP’s in Parliament House Canberra where the IPCC / Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) position was questioned. Sceptics and Alarmists, Together, Present to Coalition Environment Committee
This got me to wondering why adjustments to temperature data in the BoM ACORN data are Implantation dysfunction and abortion Endometriosis can influence the early embryonic development due to corpus luteum dysfunction and abnormal intrauterine environment, which can get levitra interfere early embryo development and implantation so as to earn a driving license – your age should be at least 16 or, if not, having used the learner’ s authorization for a minimum of 6 months. Also, one drug that viagra samples appalachianmagazine.com is all the rage amongst men today to treat ED and take love making session to provide fully satisfied sexual act. Today, the medicine has a success rate of approximately 70% in treating erectile dysfunction. canada viagra: Things You Need to consider before making a purchase: Genuine levitras This is the reason why this has become so very popular. Chiropractors must generika viagra first verify a diagnosis before a chiropractic program is established. never examined during Senate Estimates hearings. All it would take is an MP or Senator or two prepared to put a bit of actual work into understanding a little series of questions and the spreadsheet data behind them. Senate Estimates hearings are public and segments are often featured on TV news.