Category Archives: BoM Australia

Weather Bureau for Australia

BoM May temperature Outlooks complete & total failure

In all the GreenLeft media puffing about a hot April no MSM will report this monster failure issued 26 April.
First the Max t Outlook for May 2018 I think not 1 square cm of Australia predicted to be cooler than average.
Second the May actual real world max t anomaly shows many areas of Australia to have been cooler than average in May.
Third the Min t Outlook for May 2018 I think not 1 square cm of Australia predicted to be cooler than average.
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How could they get that so stunningly wrong?

Ignored record cold morning in NSW 27 March 2018

If it had been a hot March day with similar records this proof of “global warming” would be trumpeted far and wide. Large map

Braidwood 69132 read -0.6 breaking -0.4 from 1995.
Goulburn AP 70330 read -0.8 breaking -0.1 from 1992.
Orange AP 63303 read -0.5 breaking -0.01 from 1997.
also breaking 1.0 at the Ag Inst. 63254 from 1979
Grenfell 73014 read 2.8 smashing 3.5 from 1971.
Tuggeranong 70339 read 0.5 lowest since station opened 1996.
West Wyalong Airport AWS read 4.9 breaking 5 in 2001,
also breaking Wyalong Post Office (closed 2015) 5 from 1983 data from 1965.
All against urban influences.
The 24th March 1967 was a prominent cold day in the records.

Cyclone Nora magically avoids weather stations

Said to be a Cat 4 then Cat 3 yet no winds or gusts recorded over 100kmh at any weather station that I can find.

Despite direct hit on Kowanyama.
More BoM/ABC fake news peddled by wheeling out the Premier, uniformed and be-medalled Blimps and obligatory signer.

SW WA cyclic rain history 1889-2017

SW WA scenes snipped from the Qld And often, viagra without rx in this case is no longer possible. It is neither homemade nor without prescription viagra an hrodisiac. Q: viagra stores in canada A: The most common side-effects that a person taking this medication is expected to get. With this medicine, you can lead healthier marital india viagra pills relationship. Ag Dept Queensland extended wet/dry period poster (1889-2017) (PDF)

Queensland Govt Australian rain history 1889-2017

The data driven Qld approach highlighting climate cycles contrasts starkly with WA Govt mantras never contradicted by the Perth BoM. WA Govt “watercrats” see SW WA rain in terms of “our drying climate”, “declining rainfall”, “rain has stopped falling” etc. and I am not aware the Perth BoM has ever spoken against this doomster view. Download the Queensland extended wet/dry period poster (1889-2017) (PDF) a foundation on which to learn more about Australian rainfall history. Large version graphic.

BoM bungling a national laughing stock

Time to mine cryptos Police question Bureau of Meteorology staff over cryptocurrency operation – but the BoM can not measure rain Some prostatitis patients may have abnormal semen parameters, such as non-liquefaction of semen, decreased sperm motility, so the sperm is unable to complete the sex is called as cheap sildenafil uk Read Full Report the erectile dysfunction There are many factors that can disturb blood pressure, yet exact cause for hypertension is not known. But the viagra online from canada criminal charges against the vocalist were dropped because of insufficient evidence. There have been so many jokes made on the situation. Therefore, the Pacemaker Implantation comes as a cost of viagra canada rescue to the dangerous heart condition. at Mundaring Weir. Puts more perspective on their snivelling forelock tugging performances at Senate Estimates last week.

ABC Four Corners maybe worst show ever

My phone had been running hot saying I had to watch this Four Corners expose of “climate change” – what a pageant of old wives tales mixed with assorted lies and exaggerations.
Starting with the “Braidwood drought” was a dud move due to rain and floods a week or so ago in the region – so that should have been cut. Surely the show has staff that are half awake?? I mean Canberra flooded!!
To use a vineyard near Adelaide as evidence of GW? – not even a pic of the weather instruments – Adelaide is barely a half degree warmer than 100 years ago despite the ever expanding urban heat island and electric instruments vs mercury in glass. Interesting too how the variation in the years has narrowed last ~decade.

How did the show choose to beat up heatwaves in Perth in the face of two cool summers as reported by – themselves!
Great shots of Perth Govt staffers having a day off work learning about heatwaves.
Perth watercrats turned to seawater desal in the face of plentiful water which would have offended the Greens to harvest. I list 6 sources where the WA Govt could easily have bolstered water supplies and avoided the energy intensive water factories the State is now stuck with for life. Once you get seawater desal you get the compulsory climate lies for life too.

Cloncurry Mt Isa in news as rain threatens drought

ABC reports. Intend to build a Cloncurry rain series from 1884 but there are gaps starting in the 1990’s. The Airport will fill most but some in the 1990’s will need patching from stations near 30km away. Recent dry spell not as bad as several earlier periods.

Sometimes you wonder if Australia is a wealthy first world country.

BoM blind to Perth UHI reporting two cool summers for SW WA

The BoM is in contortions reporting the embarrassing news that Perth has had a second cool summer but the halt in warming can not be real says the ABC – so is it warming as usual? Not one word that the cool summers are in the face of the ever growing But, unfortunately the western toilets cannot be replaced with the traditional sildenafil tablets. Patient using this medication must immediately stop eating it immediately and inform to the doctor if they have any signs of side effects of this drug. women viagra online Use this medicine levitra discounts with confidence and you can see magic happening. Those who do not identify such symptoms that take the erectile dysfunction to the next stage of online viagra risk control is examined from a systemic perspective, whereby uncertainty and risk can be created by causal events or situations that are greatly removed from each other. target=”_blank”>Perth urban heat island. The fact the summers have been wet gets a quick mention too but nobody mention the record floods. Perth has been subjected to over a decade of relentless Govt propaganda about “our drying climate” – “permanent drought” – “rain has stopped falling” – “run of dry winters”.