Category Archives: BoM Australia

Weather Bureau for Australia

BoM claim hottest December night for Darwin – forget 1890

Lance called to say he heard BoM lady on TV claim that the 30.0 degrees registered on Wed. 12 Dec at Darwin Airport was the hottest night evah (since 1941) beating 29.7 in 2014. The BoM has short memories when their own data shows Darwin Post Office registered a minimum of 30.2 degrees on 26th Dec 1890.

BoM rain Outlook for November a monster fail

Remember back a month when the great and the good were all chanting the BoM mantra that the dry would continue. Here is an example from the NSW Rural Fire Service. Quote- “November, in particular, is likely to purchase levitra online Our website No doubt that kamagra removes boredom from life and provide a complete rehabilitation. In his summary, Irwig stated: “In many men who developed cost of viagra prolonged sexual unwanted effects, and also that some males have the problems once they stopped taking the drug. In spiritual terms it can be termed as a medical condition which needs an early cost of tadalafil treatment. To protect yourself, you can install legitimate spyware protection software that can spot these programs and delete them from your hard drive. like this sildenafil canada pharmacy be drier than average in many areas.”
Nov rain Outlook not one square centimetre of Australia was predicted to have over average Nov rain.
In the real world vast areas of Australia saw way over average November rain.

BoM Victoria rain anomalies map downplays rain

Hawkeyed reader Bob has sent in this example of the BoM August rainfall anomaly map for Victoria failing to reflect above average rain at BENDIGO AIRPORT (081123) 51.5 Norm, 56.4 in August , CASTLEMAINE PRISON (088110) 66.4 Norm, 66.6 in August. And then a little further south the anomalies contours make no sense either – DAYLESFORD (088020) 103.0 Norm, 111.4 in August, TRENTHAM (POST OFFICE) (088059) 124.8 Norm, 154.5 in August, and WOODEND (088061) 90.3 Norm, 91.3 in August. Larger map
The Daylesford daily data shows another type of error with rainfall left unrecorded in the gauge four times during the month – on the 8th the reading covered the previous 6 days. Well water evaporates so Daylesford rain for August was understated. Amazing with so much publicity about drought and wealthy Australia can not read a simple factor like rainfall to a proper standard.

BoM August Outlooks turned out monster fails

The BoM maps tell the story
Max t Outlook entire continent predicted hotter than average (large version)
Real world vast areas cooler than average (large version)
Min t Outlook almost entire continent predicted hotter than average (large version)
Real world way more than half of Oz cooler than average (large version)
ABC coverage glorifying Outlooks as gospel truth
Another ABC article that also goes to our water resources and never mentions “environmental flows” that kneecap our dams
BoM OutlooksBoM T anomaly maps

Prime Minister fails to talk Quilpie rain history with clarity

A pathetic weak performance considering the staff and hangers on pollies have. The question about “climate change” should have been ridiculed. It took the station owner to push himself to the mic and state with clarity – “We’ve got 100 years of [rainfall] records,” Mr Tully says.
“What’s happened here, so far, still sits within those records.” Well said.
Checking the BoM Quilpie rain history from CDO I find the usual deterioration of data with increasing missing data post ~2000 so the following chart particularly post 2000 is a paste n patch of three sites, Quilpie Air Port from 1917, South Comongin from 1884 and Moble from 1941.
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Australian BoM temperature Outlooks for July miss the mark

The maximum (day-time) temperature Outlook for July 2018 predicted heat to be concentrated in the south east and Tasmania. But the real world July saw its peak heat in outback WA, NT and SA.
The minimum (night-time) temperature Outlook for July 2018 predicted heat to be concentrated along the south east seaboard and Tasmania. But in real world July the south east seaboard was cool or near neutral and the warmest regions bore no relation to the Outlook while a prominent band of cool anomalies extended from the NW to the SE – take a look for yourself. Why waste taxpayer money on this pointless twaddle which can have no value for anybody when the BoM falls short recording important stuff like rainfall at key sites.

Amazing – BoM adopts rational view Perth rain history

News today from Perth hat tip to Chris Gillham – Perth weather: Why the Bureau of Meteorology dropped more than a century of rainfall figures 3Jul18 Facts are Perth region rain changed to a lower rain regime about 1975 – over 40 years ago. Of course it makes sense to view Perth region rain against post 1975 records because that is the rain regime Perth is experiencing. Anybody is still free to quote the older higher rain numbers pre 1975. The WA Govt can still bleat on about “our drying climate” as their assorted Water Depts do. Of course there are regions of Australia where the opposite has happened and rain has increased. About a decade ago the WA Ag. Dept used to advise farmers to use 30 or 35 year rain averages to avoid having unrealistic rain expectations – made sense. The WA Govt views on their rain history have oozed east to scaremonger eastern States water policies – on for example the needless introduction of several seawater desal plants at a total cost of many $Billions. More later on this. Just in May the WA Govt Water Corporation stopped publishing Perth dams rain numbers.

ABC and BoM dodgy drought beatup

Following months of ABC articles beating up drought – this ABC/BoM inspired article claims worst drought for over a century in “Southern Australia” which is an academic geographic region that nobody would identify with. Farmers identify with their district and State. But lets play their game and check the “Lowest on Record” dark red area at Albany WA site of rainfall data from 1877. Bad luck for the climate scaremongers – Autumn in Albany was dryer in 1996(108.2mm) than 2018(112.2) – which just demonstrates how dodgy and tenuous BoM maps & stats are. (BTW Albany in Autumn 1898 only saw 93.9mm.)
Putting another torpedo into the BoM/ABC drought propaganda lets look at the Australian map for Autumn 2005 – Oh bugger NSW, Vic and SA are all much dryer than in 2018.