BoM claim that Onslow 50.7 yesterday matches the 50.7 at Oodnadatta in outback South Australia, on January 2, 1960.
In their “climate change dreams”. Oodnadatta was from a liquid in glass thermometer in probably an older style large Stevenson screen while Onslow would be from an AWS with a fast reacting electric platinum probe.
Category Archives: BoM Australia
Weather Bureau for Australia
Perth Airport max T history 1945-2021
An email from Perth pointed out the plentiful mild weather lately. I see that Perth Airport 9021 is used in ACORN so I have had a look-see at all the raw monthly max data from CDO – (December data up to 16th so far). The first thing that hits me is a step-change coincident with the June 1994 install of a temperature probe (AWS). For larger version chart. Yet the BoM ACORN version for 9021 has no adjustment at 1994. The other point I would make is that UHI would have been steadily affecting this site as Perth housing & suburbia expanded producing warmer breezes. I can look at ACORN data later.
Here is a chart of raw monthly min data from CDO. Less noisy than the max.
For larger version chart.
Here is a chart of annual mean T plus annual Range (mean T is the metric for “IPCC Global Warming/Climate Change”) For larger version chart.
November BoM Temperature Outlooks failures
BoM Outlook predictions for November max and min temperatures made on 28th October failed in may areas but the minimum Outlook was worst.
Max (day-time) Outlook — Max anomaly map actual result
Min (night-time) Outlook — Min anomaly map actual result
Bickley in Perth Hills wettest year since 1996
As our PM heads to Glasgow to worship at the “net zero by 2050” altar it comforts us to know that climate change and “our drying climate” is still controlling Perth region rainfall. Bickley which has one of the consistently reporting rain gauges – has just had 1,247mm rain to 21Oct and a quick eyeball at monthly numbers shows there is a fair chance the blog headline might come to pass.
ScoMo Gov running dead on BoM evidence “Black Summer nothing to do with global warming”
Can anybody cast light on why the 9 September 2019 findings published by the BoM and the ABC about the Antarctic phenomena “sudden stratospheric warming” have been effectively expunged from history. Despite the clear statements from BoM – now the narrative that the Black Summer fires and later floods were all “due to climate change” completely rules roost in public discourse.
SEQWater wins 2011 Brisbane floods compo appeal
On 10Jan2011 I blogged “Toowoomba flash flood shambles” which covered the issues of Brisbane floods too.
Flood affected SE Qld people mounted a class action resulting in a court win. Reported earlier this year “Brisbane 2011 flood victims win $440 million in class action partial settlement over operation of Wivenhoe Dam” 26Feb2021. Now SEQWater have appealed and won according to ABC today. Queensland water utility wins appeal against 2011 flood damages ruling – 8Sep2021
I always thought it was unreasonable under all the circumstances to expect Wivenhoe Dam operators to be so all-seeing & wise as to release sufficient water in time so the dam could then hold back water from flooding homes downstream.
Winter 2021 BoM Outlooks all fail
Plus 100mm rain Thomson catchment quick release enviro-flows
I notice the overnight BoM map showed Mount Baw Baw but now that has gone from the post 9am map.
The Mount Baw Baw daily rain file is showing zero so far(now showing 280.6mm for 10June) for the 10th June – you know it makes sense.
I bet there are already public servants itching to open the gates on environmental flows. Gotta get that water to the sea where it belongs.
54 year record run cold Sydney nights – no mention UHI
Ch9 news reports Sydney records coldest stretch of May days in 54 years but not a word I saw on being more impressive for the location at the core of the ever growing largest Australian urban heat island (UHI).
ScoMo’s NRRA birthed in memory lapse
The new Commonwealth “National Recovery and Resilience Agency (NRRA)” will distribute $Billions to victims of fire, flood, drought, but can anybody point to successful Fed Gov spending initiatives.
They also announce the formation of the “Australian Climate Service” to “better collate data”. What th’? we do not have enough Gov orgs pumping out “global warming climate change agitprop” now?
The NRRA was suggested by the “bushfire royal commission” which was an opera to “global warming climate change”.
But the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements ignored the Sep 2019 news from the BoM that “sudden stratospheric warming” was worsening the drought. The BoM said quote “Past stratospheric warming events and associated wind changes have had their strongest effects in NSW and southern Queensland, where springtime temperatures increased, rainfall decreased and heatwaves and fire risk rose.”
And in the ABC article “Rare weather event over Antarctica driving Australia’s hot, dry outlook” 6Sep19 the BoM says quote “SSW is not thought to be caused by global warming. “We view SSW as a natural, internally-generated phenomena,” Dr Hendon said.”
These facts have been totally lost in the responses post the fires and “sudden stratospheric warming” did not feature in 2020 news that I saw.