Here is a map of the maximum temperature anomalies for summer.
WA’s ‘mad’ summer is proof of climate change: BoM expert – PerthNow
The national average was under +0.5°C. I think the Perth BoM needs a Bex a cuppa tea and a good lie down.
below you can see each day of the Perth summer set out in the 3 months from Australian Weather News.Pale Blue is the background colour for minimums which presumably signifies a range around average with Yellow highlighting warm nights and a brighter Turquoise for cooler nights. Pale Pink is background for max which also seems to signify a range either side of average – Turquoise is cool, Yellow is warm – Buff is hotter. The top row is minimum or night temperature – second line is day or maximum. So just running your eye along you get the impression of the extent of cool spells, warm spells and periods near average.
December 2013
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January 2014
February 2014
Now tell me what looks mad?
Category Archives: Jones et al
Open Peer Review Journal – publishing new research into urban heat island UHI effects in global temperature compilations
Dr. Ronan Connolly has sent me their paper Urbanization bias I. Is it a negligible problem for global temperature estimates? R. Connolly, and M. Connolly (2014). Open Peer Rev. J., 28 (Clim. What Is The Pathophysiology Of The Problem? The physiology of an erection involves the arousal of the brain’s response to on line levitra erogenous thoughts. Sex plays buy uk viagra a significant role in the life of each and every person. It strengthens the heart and is very safe. Higher than average concentrations of estradiol make the lowest price for viagra human body to overcome impotency affectivities. Sci.), ver. 0.1 (non peer reviewed draft). A quick read through has impressed me sufficiently that the authors can be a force to hold to account some of the less than stellar science published by the huge pro IPCC temperature analysis teams. I was particularly taken with their reviewing of the nine errors that Wigley & Jones 1988 claim were made by Wood 1988 in his critique of Jones et al 1986. I have Wood 1988 scanned online and a Table listing my comments on the supposed nine errors of Wood. Readers can now follow both sets of comments on the nine claims by Wigley & Jones and make their own minds up.
If Wood 1988 made an error it was in concentrating his critique too much on the USA – instead of quoting examples from more regions.
Launceston temperature history illustrates how BoM inserts a large warming trend where raw data shows little change over 100 years
In 2012 the Australian Bureau of Meteorology brought out their ACORN SAT highly adjusted and warmed temperature data for just over 100 stations with all data commencing in 1910. Launceston starts in 1885 but the early data has gaps so we start at 1910 comparing raw data trends with warming trends from the BoM highly adjusted ACORN SAT.
It looks clear that the data as collected over more than 100 years shows no significant warming.
Over twenty years ago I built the two Australian long term series –
Average of 25 Regional and Remote Stations –
Average Temperature for the 6 Capital Cities
It looks as though I had not found the Launceston data at the time the above was contructed in 1991.
The aim is to update more long term stations data as collected and contrast with ACORN SAT.
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Australian Bureau of Meteorology takes urban heat island (UHI) into account when announcing heat records
I have just been told by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment – Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham – that when _ “…the Bureau publishes relevant records of weather and climate occurrences and extremes based on observations from sites around the country.”
The BoM is “…taking into account any urban heat island effects in towns and cities.”
Can anybody find me an example of this? Click to read my 12 Nov 2013 email to Minister Hunt and their reply
Continue reading Australian Bureau of Meteorology takes urban heat island (UHI) into account when announcing heat records
How many times does a truth have to be told ? – UHI warming has been cemented into global temperature series by adjusting for steps outward from cities
I see Anthony Watts article on a new paper in Theoretical and Applied Climatology – “Effect of data homogenization on estimate of temperature trend: a case of Huairou station in Beijing Municipality”. Thanks to Springer for making this paper open access. My point here is that this diagram which shows how UHI warming gets fixed into adjusted series –
is telling the exact same story as Hansen et al told in 2001 with these very similar diagrams.
Figure 1 from; Hansen, J.E., R. Ruedy, Mki. Sato, M. Imhoff, W. Lawrence, D. Easterling, T. Peterson, and T. Karl 2001. A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 23947-23963, doi:10.1029/2001JD000354
I first mentioned this in Feb 2006 –
GISS/NASA/NOAA graphics illustrate significant UHI truths
Again in Jan 2011 –
Simple GISS diagram illustrating warming effect of conventional “adjustments” of “steps” in T data due to site moves outward from urban centre.
Starting with Jones et al 1986 all the global groups make exactly this error.
Global temperature trends would be more accurately assesed by just gridding the raw data. Leave the steps in – in the absence of all the hard work to adjust out UHI warming – this will produce a trend closest to reality.
Terabytes of IPCC compliant global temperature trends research are not worth a cup full of warm spit. If I had to answer my question – How many times does a truth have to be told ? – I recall a saying somewhere – Green media lies travel like speeding arrow – the truth struggles to swim uphill.
More series to consider re question has the Australian land temperature seen its hottest 12 months ever
These 12 month average trends show a strong cyclic influence on Australian temperatures. GISS, GHCN CAMS and NCDC land data are now updated at KNMI.
GISS supports the BoM which finds the 12 month average mean temperature over Australia has been warmer than ever over recent months.
NCDC finds that periods in 2005 and 2010 had a warmer 12 month average.
GHCN CAMS find warmer 12 month periods in 2005.
The two satellite series have warmer periods in the past than late 2013.
At the end of 2013 the BoM trend is under GISS.
Another warmist prediction bites the dust – Canberra four days over 40° fails in 2014 but 1939 heatwave was hotter and longer
The ABC reports – ACT under total fire ban as mercury soars – quoting Sean Carson from the Bureau of Meteorology who says – “By the time we reach Saturday we might have seen four days in a row in the ACT greater than 40 degrees, something we’ve never seen before in Canberra’s history,”
Bad luck Sean the 4 days 15th to 18th went – 40.2, 40.1, 39.7, 40.
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So we see an example in the ABC News Watch analysis where warmists conveniently do not know our history.
The BoM much trumpeted claim that 2013 was our hottest year is less than robust because some global climate groups disagree
Checking the Bureau of Meteorology claim against data from various global climate research groups available at KNMI Climate Explorer shows that not all support the BoM claim.
CRUT4, GISS and NCDC are not yet available through December but will check as they become available to end 2013. The BoM might have some support there.
- GHCN CAMS finds that 2005 was a hotter year than 2013.
- RSS satellites finds that 2005, 1998 and 1980 were hotter years than 2013.
- UAH satellites finds that 2009 was a hotter year.
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Note my December 2013 post highlighting the warming drift 2005-2006 in UAH compared to RSS. In the chart it is plain that UAH is badly out of step at 2006.
I also posted –
- Similar to Australia in 2005-06 – large grid box in southern Africa shows huge warming departure in UAH lower troposphere satellite temperature anomalies compared to RSS – and –
- Difference between UAH and RSS satellite lower troposphere T anomalies has a distinct step change 2004-2005 over the USA 48 States – not as marked as Australia
Brisbane tipped to hit 41° on 4 Jan 2014 but reality was 38.7°
Typical headline beating up what is normal hot weather.
Reality not so glam. for the warmists.
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For over a week now I have been puzzled by TV weather ladies talking about 50° here and there at places back of the black stump. Has anybody seen a 50° clock in anywhere yet. I suppose it must happen sometime – after all the BoM adjusted their map scales to go over 50.
Satellites disagree with BoM that September 2013 was a record hot month for Australia
We have all seen and heard the media blitz on the subject – 2013 was hottest year on record in Australia, Bureau of Meteorology says –
Most of us have little idea of the extent to which the BoM ACORN SAT temperature series has older data adjusted cooler to increase the warming trend.
This chart shows the monthly mean temperature ACORN SAT data that the BoM rely upon for their statements and shows the strongly cyclic nature of the 12 month average.
RSS satellites measure brightness temperature anomalies in the lower troposphere (TLT) – that thin skin of air centred on about 2 to 3km high. It is interesting that the rankings of the anomalies for the hottest months over Australia from the BoM go, Sep 2013 2.75 – Apr 2005 2.66 – Aug 2009 2.47.
However when you make global temperature anomaly maps for the RSS satellites lower troposhere series and eyeball the maps – the ranking looks to be – Aug 2009 hottest – Apr 2005 2nd hottest and Sep 2013 3rd hottest.
Aug 2009
Apr 2005
Sep 2013
RSS do not publish an Australian anomaly time series.
I put these maps up to show that all might not be as cut and dried as the BoM would have you believe.