Olenek is a weather station in the Taymir Peninsular, Northern Siberia, 68.5 N, 112.4 E, altitude : 220 m. For map;
For a discussion of Tsurf trends in this region see;
That’s the introduction and there is plenty of reading and points to explore there, however the purpose of this post is to expose a particularly gross inhomogeneity in Olenek data when compared to its neighbours. A fault not picked up in 15 to 20 years by the three major global climate groups. Continue reading The Great Olenek Mistake
Category Archives: Jones et al
The Great Global Warming Swindle
View the Ch4 (UK) TV documentary online thanks now to YouTube.
Watch, listen, do some thinking, make up your own mind.
The original link to Google video seems now dead, 15 Mar
Does anybody have a very detailed list of Russian met station locations ?
At ClimateAudit, Steve McIntyre has a Feb 19 2007 post ” Jones and the Russian UHI”, tackling the issue of replicating what was done in the highly influential Jones et al 1990 Letter to Nature.
See my rebuttal of this pivotal Jones et al 1990 Letter to Nature at: www.warwickhughes.com/papers/90lettnat.htm
Steve recounts how years ago he asked Dr Jones for the Western USSR station data and was given various reasons why the data had been lost.
Continue reading Does anybody have a very detailed list of Russian met station locations ?
How hot was the Arctic in the 1930’s ?
Jonathon Lowe quotes research by Polyakov et. al at his excellent Blog, “Gust Of Hot Air”. Readers could spend some time reading Jonathon’s other fascinating articles investigating Australian temperature data.
Huge variations now between the 3 main global T datasets
The UKMO Hadley Centre is taking a more prominent role now in IPCC global temperature compilation. Compiling “global warming”.
Just at a time when the IPCC is “releasing” its version 4 masterwork in its own restrictive and controlling way, it is fascinating to compare 2005 global T anomaly maps for three major climate groups.
UK MetOffice predicts HOT 2007
The UK Met Office is predicting that 2007 will be warmer than 1998. We are accustomed to “hottest year” stories jumping out in November or December, but early January !!, this seems prescient beyond belief.
Reading deeper into this story we find the UKMO is relating the 2006 El Nino to the 1997 event and concluding that 2007 will exceed the warmth of 1998. Looking at this small figure from the NOAA web page:
and comparing 1997-98 to 2006-07, it is hard to see that 2007 will be particularly hot. The 1997-98 El Nino was a monster compared to the “on again, off again tiddler” of 2006.
We will see, read on for full article.
Continue reading UK MetOffice predicts HOT 2007
Another critique of the Stern report
A detailed critique of the Stern Review is avaliable.
Another error in HadCRUT2 gridded data.
While exploring the KNMI Climate Explorer in late July this monster jumped out of the Jones data.
I emailed both CE and CRU about this and the balance of what I have been told is that the error was in the data as imported to CE.
This 20 years after PDJ has been nurturing all this stuff.
The issue is, what other errors would be found with a half diligent search ?
What integrity is there in global SST trends ?
I made this map of sea surface temperature (SST) trends at the GISS website module, and it shows the 27 year trends 1979-2005 for an SST dataset GISS names HadReyn_v2 which I take in to mean the Hadley Centre version 2 SST’s with Reynolds data grafted on post 1982.
There may be another explanation of exactly what the dataset is but for sure it is the SST data Jim Hansen’s GISS group chooses to use.
I have annotated several warm anomalies that caught my eye and have compared UAH satellite trends over those warm patches with the the combined land sea HadCRUT2 data calculated at www.co2science.org.
See the Table for stunning differences in HadCRUT2 minus MSU, up to 1 degree C in 27 years !! The table also sets out the Lat & Long for various five degree grid cells that include these warm SST patches. For some history of the development of the SST datsets go to my page showing graphics of huge corrections required in raw SST data.
NZ Temperature difference shows climate science not settled
The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
Hon Secretary: Terry Dunleavy MBE,
14A Bayview Road, Hauraki, North Shore City 0622
Phone (09) 486 3859 – Mobile 0274 836688 –
Email terry@winezeal.co.nz
2 August 2006
Temperature difference shows climate science not settled
A major difference in measurement between NIWA and the international body IPCC, concerning New Zealand temperature trends contradicts the assertion of the Minister for Climate Change, David Parker, that climate science is “settled.” This claim has been made by an expatriate New Zealand earth scientist, Warwick Hughes, now living in Perth.
Continue reading NZ Temperature difference shows climate science not settled