Category Archives: Atmospheric science

Meteorologist offers alternative view on GW

Funny how the pro-Global Warming people do not address scientific issues but straightaway turn to a form of ad hominem attack to try and neutralize what Joe D’Aleo is saying.


Global warming dissenters few at U.S. weather meeting
Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:30pm ET
By Ed Stoddard
SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) – Joe D’Aleo was a rare voice of dissent this week at the American Meteorological Society’s annual meeting in San Antonio.

D’Aleo, executive director of the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project, a group of scientists, doesn’t think greenhouse gas emissions are the major cause of global warming and climate change.

Researchers who hold such contrary views do not appreciate being lumped together with flat-Earthers. They are legitimate scientists who question the mainstream, but they are a distinct minority.
“Greenhouse warming is real, but I think it is a relatively minor player,” D’Aleo said.

He claims other factors like solar activity and other natural causes are probably playing a greater role in rising temperatures — a position that gets a mostly chilly reception from this crowd.

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UK MetOffice predicts HOT 2007

The UK Met Office is predicting that 2007 will be warmer than 1998. We are accustomed to “hottest year” stories jumping out in November or December, but early January !!, this seems prescient beyond belief.

Reading deeper into this story we find the UKMO is relating the 2006 El Nino to the 1997 event and concluding that 2007 will exceed the warmth of 1998. Looking at this small figure from the NOAA web page:
and comparing 1997-98 to 2006-07, it is hard to see that 2007 will be particularly hot. The 1997-98 El Nino was a monster compared to the “on again, off again tiddler” of 2006.

We will see, read on for full article.
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US Senate Majority Press Release slams “global warming” alarmism

Majority Press Release

Decorated Scientist Defects From Belief in Global Warming – Caps Year of Vindication for Skeptics

October 17, 2006

Washington DC – One of the most decorated French geophysicists has converted from a believer in manmade catastrophic global warming to a climate skeptic. This latest defector from the global warming camp caps a year in which numerous scientific studies have bolstered the claims of climate skeptics. Scientific studies that debunk the dire predictions of human-caused global warming have continued to accumulate and many believe the new science is shattering the media-promoted scientific “consensus” on climate alarmism.
This is a lengthy post, Continue reading US Senate Majority Press Release slams “global warming” alarmism

Geologic Constraints on Global Climate Variability

A web page version of Dr. Lee Gerhard’s 70 panel presentation explaining the many relationships between geology, geological history and climate. Topics so poorly handled by the IPCC in their blinkered obsession with carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide and warming

“Thus adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere warms it a bit and leads to more water vapour and hence more warming.”

This is a direct quote from the New Zealand climate authority NIWA, in a media release after the formation of the newly formed ‘New Zealand Climate Science Coalition’ in May.

This NIWA statement sounds to me like early 1990’s IPCC inspired scares about a positive feedback and the threat of runaway warming. Is it not obvious that climate history of the last million or so years is one of repeated runaway COOLING, lurching the planet into a series of ice ages. I see no evidence for runaway warm periods, so it is obvious that the climate system incorporates feedback mechanisms that largely negate the effect NIWA is trying to express.
Continue reading Carbon dioxide and warming

The Royal Society and the “dead hand of consensus”

Contributed by Bob Foster

There is no one “contrarian view” on climate change – nor should there be. What is needed, surely, is a ferment of ideas – each judged on its intrinsic merit, and not just on the status of its proposer – to serve collectively as a contra to the dead hand of consensus, which currently strangles thinking in climate-change science. Anyone who believes that the science of climate is already resolved is either naïve, or has confused science with politics. No-one understands climate in all crucial aspects.

An eminently plausible hypothesis is that Earth does not journey in an empty universe. Neither does it enjoy a self-contained climate – stable until only now disturbed by people burning fossil fuels. Correlations suggest that the primary driver of our ever-changing climate, from the multi-millennial time-scale right down to that better called weather, is extra-terrestrial.

Crucially, the timing of future solar/planetary influences can be calculated; and if the Sun keeps playing by the rules, the next Little Ice Age cold period will be fully developed by 2030. People suffered terribly in the Maunder Minimum.

Continue reading The Royal Society and the “dead hand of consensus”

How MINISCULE is the Anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect ?

This post is to highlight conclusions from a 1998 paper by Sherwood B Idso in Vol 10: 69-82 of Climate Research, "CO2-induced global warming: a skeptic’s view of potential climate".

Sherwood Idso finds that a consensus of 8 natural experiments he describes is that for a doubling of carbon dioxide to 600ppm, the global temperature might rise at most by 0.4 degrees C.
To save blog space the links below take readers to the relevant sections of an html version of Sherwood Idso’s paper.

Continue reading How MINISCULE is the Anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect ?

Little agreement with BoM claims 2005 was Australia’s hottest year

The Australian BoM has made much media fanfare with its claims that 2005 has been Australia’s hottest year. Coolwire 17 points out that the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of Norwich, long quoted by the IPCC and the Universit of Alabama at Huntsville group compiling satellite data for the lower troposphere, both produce anomaly maps showing 1998 was warmer for Australia. 

The NASA GISS group do agree with the BoM that 1998 was warmer than 2005 but they quote data from 1 Nov 2004 to 30 Nov 2005, not calendar 2005. However we count that as a point for the BoM.