Feudal water trading plan will create cartels  by Bruce Haigh Friday 2 May on ABC News online, some fascinating comments.

Bruce Haigh is a retired Diplomat who now farms near Mudgee; he irrigates grapes and olives. Bruce writes and comments on domestic and international affairs; he regularly presents at conferences, seminars and training sessions in relation to water issues and strategic planning.
There are many very interesting articles covering a wide range of subjects to be found on Bruce's website, and at http://www.newmatilda.com/ s
where more of Bruce's articles are posted.

Bruce also had a similar article in the Canberra times  Water trading plan 'feudal' Monday 28 April

I emailed Bruce to draw his attention to the rainfall history  of his region  Trangie, Mudgee, Bathurst, which shows the recent dry period is no worse than previous cyclic dry  periods.  My email sequence is copied below,  newest on top.
Dear Bruce,  emailed Saturday 3 May
You say,  [I think it is important to note where the rain falls, the MDB looks a little low on water at the moment.] April has been below average over much of the MDB but so what Bruce ?
Rain does not fall evenly in time or space. Just look at these BoM Australian maps of rain deciles, first summer rain (Dec,Jan,Feb) was pretty good across the MDB.
Dec-Feb rain
Apr 08 shows that although much of the MDB still had rain in the BoM average band, other areas were below average. After a wet summer why would it not be normal to have some relatively dryer months Bruce. Nothing unusual at all Bruce.

MDB long term, There is no evidence in these data for "climate change" altering MDB rain. I see cyclicity with the last few years no worse than the dry period in the 1940's 
I have taken the BoM MDB time series annual data and made a new graphic with a 5 year average which I always use so comparisons are all on thwe same basis. The BoM graphics use a much longer period which I find not as clear.

I think these issues are important enough that I have started a web page.

All the best Bruce,
Warwick Hughes
Bruce replied on 2  May and said, Thanks. I think it is important to note where the rain falls, the MDB looks a little low on water at the moment.
Bruce Haigh

Dear Bruce,  Emailed on 1st May 08 with   Trangie, Mudgee, Bathurst graphic attached
Your article "Water trading plan 'feudal'" in Monday's Canberra Times is thought provoking and I have to say I too have little confidence in any Fed or States Govts to do what I would consider is the right thing by all the people re water trading.  And I have to say, re most aspects of Govt water policies as they have evolved post the 1990's.
Your statement  "...as we move into climate change..", suggests you accept CSIRO model predictions re future climate and  that has blighted this entire water / drought issue for nearly a decade now.
Bruce, do you really think there was a period when climate WAS NOT changing ??

I attach graphics of rainfall history for the district Bathurst - Mudgee - Trangie and you can see that despite the record low rain in Mudgee for 2006,  5 year average rainfall was lower in several  past periods when compared to recent years for all three places.
So Bruce, I think you could brush up on your rainfall history data.
Also see a long term trend at Canberra on my Blog at

I have just posted an Open letter to Minister Penny Wong re her Press Release of earlier in the week.
All the best to you Bruce,
Warwick Hughes