Downloadable station by station global monthly temperature data as used by Climate Research Unit, University of Norwich and P.D. Jones 1986(1991) , 1994 and now, Dec 2009, 1999 station data discovered in the FOIA  CRU leaked file

All data files are in the form of monthly data columns. Windows users can right click on data links and then go "Save link target as"
CRU 1991 NHem data 8,554 KB   1593 stationsThese two files originally sourced in 1993 thru CDIAC
The NH file has been split into six txt files for easier file transfer.
CRU 1991 SHem data  1,244 KB    288 stations
Station inventory files, North Hem;  South Hem
You may think this is ancient history but these are the data that took Global Warming to the Rio conference, starting the whole chain that went to Kyoto.
New  site in Dec 2009 enabling graphing of all Jones 1986 sites with near neighbours.
In order to begin to understand what CRU have done with data, researchers should obtain the following book (picture of inside cover page)free from US Dept of Energy CDIAC(webaddress below).
This"phonebook sized"  book contains the two original CRU published papers from 1986;

Jones PD , Raper SCB, Bradley RS, Diaz HF, Kelly PM, Wigley TML. (1986) Northern Hemisphere surface air   temperature variations 1851-1984. J. Clim Appl Met. 25:161-179

Jones, P.D., Raper, S.C.B. and Wigley, T.M.L., (1986b),  Southern Hemisphere Surface Air Temperature Variations 1851-1984.    Journal of Clim Applied Meteorology, 25, p. 1213-1230.

Plus their large documentation papers from the 1980's,  CDIAC numbering TR022 (NH)  and TR027 (SH),.
Jones PD , Raper SCB, Cherry BSG, Goodess CM,  Wigley TML, Santer B, Kelly PM,  Bradley RS, Diaz HF, . (1985)  TR022  A Grid Point Surface Air Temperature Data Set for the Northern Hemisphere. Office of Energy  Research ,Carbon Dioxide Research  Division, US Department of Energy. Under Contract No. DE-ACO2-79EV10098
Jones PD , Raper SCB, Cherry BSG, Goodess CM,  Wigley TML,  (1986c)  TR027  A Grid Point Surface Air Temperature Data Set for the Southern Hemisphere. Office of Energy  Research , Carbon Dioxide Research  Division, US Department of Energy. Under Contract No. DE-ACO2-79EV10098
Plus copies of the Jones/CRU published papers.
Lets hope CDIAC still has some copies in print at;

The famous Jones et al  1990 Letter to Nature
Jones PD, Groisman PYa, Coughlan M, Plummer N, Wangl WC, Karl TR (1990) Assessment of urbanization effects in time series of surface air temperatures over land. Nature 347:169-172

Jones  1994 global data full file ex CRU website several years ago, is  near 14 MB as downloaded so I split into 6 txt files  Jones almost doubled the number of stations used to 3555 in this 1994 update.  No documentary books such as TR022  and TR027 were ever published that I have seen. Any descriptions are in - Free pdf download;       Jones PD, (1994) Hemispheric surface air temperature variations: a reanalysis and an update to 1993.  J Clim 7:1794-1802

Jones 1994 global data A
Jones 1994 global data B
Jones 1994 global data C
Jones 1994 global data D
Jones 1994 global data E
Jones 1994 global data F

CRU 1996 global update  only 579 KB  1226 stations

My text file of CRU 1994 global station inventory
My text file of  CRU 1996 Global update

December 2009 update;  From the Climategate  FOIA leaked  file,  my jones99.txt files renamed  ex  here

Jones 1999 global data A
Jones 1999 global data B
Jones 1999 global data C
Jones 1999 global data D

Jones 1999 station list file
Jones/CRU/UKMO list 4138 stations 2009 pre ClimateGate - only 255KB
Later Jones et al  key papers.
Jones, P.D., M. New, D.E. Parker, S. Martin, and I.G. Rigor. 1999. Surface air temperature and its changes over the past 150 years. Reviews of Geophysics 37:173-199.
Jones, P.D., and A. Moberg. 2003. Hemispheric and large-scale surface air temperature variations: An extensive revision and an update to 2001. J. Climate 16, 206-223.
Brohan, P., J.J. Kennedy, I. Harris, S.F.B. Tett, and P.D. Jones. 2006. Uncertainty estimates in regional and global observed temperature changes: a new dataset from 1850. J. Geophysical Research 111, D12106, doi:10.1029/2005JD006548.
Station list of 4138 sites published by CRU under pressure  circa 2007

Dec 2009  UK Met Office post 1500 plus CRU stations for download, go to end of page to link  The station records are available in a single zip file (ZIP, 3.7 MB).

Jerry Brennan has a web page on GHCN and GISS sources of station by station global temperature data at;

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